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Hello, I am BRAND new to modeling I made a model and I was wondering how do I get it to have a action and to show up in editor, Lol sorry guys but BRAND new

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Please be more specific like whats your model and what type of action do you want it to do?

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that has the answers to your both your questions.

i'd highly recommend bookmarking these wiki pages too (and read every page, just for fun)



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So apparently I'm new and can't even make a new thread so I'm just going to post here. Hopefully someone can answer my question.

My config.cpp located under C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Arma 3\missions\damageTest.Stratis\

class CfgPatches
class HAOP_Damage_Replacement
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.0;
	requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Weapons_F_beta"};

class CfgAmmo
class BulletCore;

class BulletBase : BulletCore
		hit = 0.1;

class B_65x39_Caseless : BulletBase
	hit = 0.1;

I know I can just PBO this file and put it under my main Arma 3 folder and test it as an addon.

Is there a way I can just test this in the editor? As you can see the hit values are very low and my gun still does the same amount of damage.

Would it to be possible to edit the config.cpp located in the missions folder. Relaunch the game, load the test mission and see the changes. Do I really need to make an addon out of it?

I couldn't find much on BIKI

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I have never made such things like a config that changes the texture of the weapon... but if possible cant you just unpbo one of the already made weapons of BI (and save the original) and change the value you want in that and binarize it again and put it into the game to see what it does... but make sure when you are done you put the original pbo back in so it doesnt mess up you game...

Or you could make a lame like "stick" model or use your model.. and copy the config of another gun and just change that value you want? basically just taking all config of the other gun and changing that variable...

There might be an easier way, as i have never modified anything in game, just make my own addons... but the above ways could give small annoying errors.....

hope this helps

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