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Custon voice saying?

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Personally I'm not against 56kers, but if someone has a huge ping I think he/she should be asked to leave, because otherwise the gameplay would get ruined for everyone. As I said before, there's always some server close to every 56ker where he/she gets a good ping.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 15 2002,02:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ive found ofp to be one of the most 56k friendly games ive got, in rtcw u have a ping of 300 its unplayable, in ofp well i dont notice anything, when i had 56k i would get pings of 120ms, when i got adsl it was much the same but only smoother, now with 1.75 a 300ms ping is like playin 90ms on a 1.46 server. On gp we had someone connect with over 2megs of sounds i think, lt dammge is on 56k at the moment cos he had to move and he sez its fine, if u want to ban 56kers well i hope u get no players on your server, ofp has bugger all players as it is if u want to discourage ppl who cant afford or get acess to a faster connection well stuff ya, high bandwith players lag a server not a 56ker, most ppl have 56k.<span id='postcolor'>

Well, you may or may not notice the difference but for the rest of us we do. Watching you flicker around and ##$# when you guys get in a tank or helo or something which you are driving its just insane.

But ya if they have a decent ping they can stay. In one of the servers I play in they kick anyone with a ping over 300 which is actually pretty cool. Because most 56kers can get atleast that. THe other just need to find a closer server.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (iNeo @ Sep. 16 2002,03:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Personally I'm not against 56kers, but if someone has a huge ping I think he/she should be asked to leave, because otherwise the gameplay would get ruined for everyone. As I said before, there's always some server close to every 56ker where he/she gets a good ping.<span id='postcolor'>

there never got ppl tho, people concentrate on certan servers, if it wasnt for the gp server i would have no where to play. And a ping of 300 is perfectly fine its the 400-500 range where boots should occur, but ive played games with ppl who had 800pings they lagged but i oculd still shoot em.

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Well, im not against 56kers. But some are not very considerate I must add. If you have a 56k modem-and you connect to a server and can see your ping is 1000+, why not just do the right thing and disconect and go find another? Many-many times I see guys with pings of 1000,2000 even 2500 sitting there and have to get booted even after being asked to kindly disconect. Why not think of how your gonna lag the game for everyone else and try and find servers closer to you with a better ping? I see nothing wrong with kicking guys with too high ping to make better gameplay for all

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I have never booted a player for having a high ping. In load times some of our 56ks can have a ping of a 2000, and we dont kick them, because we know that when in the game the lag is gone. Our policy is, our service is free and for every1, not all countries have cheap cable and its not their fault smile.gif

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LOL for christ sakes what a thread!!

Ok first for US players:

56k get real! Its old news. Quit buyin games and start saving for a broadband connection lol. 56ks are like outhouses. Now we have indoor plumbing so get with the times and get broad band. If you cant, then sucks to be you. Get out of the sticks and move somewhere normal lol.

For outside the US:

Not sure what the situation is as far as broadband for most of you but please get it if you can.

In general:

Dont be a cheap skate. If cost is the only reason you dont have broadbaned then screw you. It is about 40.00 compared to the average 56k ISP at 20.00. I mean 40.00 a month? Hell thats a cheap date, a carton of smokes. lol only 20.00 more a month to have the great benefits of DSL, cable ect.! Buy the game Lan with your freinds, or just enjoy single player, but doent expect everyone who is willing to pay for broadband to wait for you.

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