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Santa Six

San6_Sounds Mod

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San6 Mod v5.0


Santa Six


An improvement mod for the Arma 3 Convertion of Iron Front: Liberation 1944. At the moment this mod only affects small arms and mounted MGs. It changes sounds, animations, and more to Arma III standards. Other IF content is still too buggy to alter.

The Arma 2 version is still available in the Download section.


As we always recommend use mod folders to separate the custom content from the official game content to prevent problems.

For different ways to set up your mod folders and use them please visit our FAQ.

Example startup parameters:



-Changelog included in the readme

-Server keys included

- I forgot to add these three to the change log;

-fixed Pistols not having mass

-Adjusted all weapon Cfg to match Arma 3 weapons respectively

-Decreased reload time of Maxim

***It's more then just a sound mod***


Iron Front+DLC/Arma III Conversion


Play withSIX

Arma III:



Arma 2:

San6 Mod v3.0


Edited by Santa Six

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Hi Santa Six,

Thanks for this mod, The sounds are the main letdown for this game.

Does this require Iron Front to be run as a mod in Arma 2 to work?

EDIT: sorry mate, ive opened my eyes now, cheers

Edited by Katipo66

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