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will biological warfare ever reach arma 3?

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I was thinking of the old arma 2 addon that adds the biological units to the game and they looked very good.

I was wondering if bio weaponry will ever be used in arma 3? or even the bio helmets with gasmasks would be a good idea?

as CSAT look like they are wearing gear for a nuclear attack anyway! :bounce3:

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Like nuclear weapons, bio weapons have nothing to offer to gameplay, except as a mission editor curiosity that people then post videos of on youtube.

Gas masks have often been into the game, and literally all you need if a script that kills you if you step outside of NBC-protected vehicle without wearing one. And that's not terribly fun either. Might justify some useful constraints for a single mission.

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oh if you put it like that then guess not :(

they do look good though for like zombie missions (when zombie addons are added) to have units with gasmasks like on 28 days later or something

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I remember in the Evolution mission from Arma1, you could call in various support weapons on an AO. One of them was a big green gas cloud..eg chemical weapon. It was pretty cool, but there was no protection, you just had to keep away from it 'till it cleared. It would have been a nice mechanic to have option to bring a Gas Mask that allowed you to operate in the contaminated zone.

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Well, there are those ominous-looking research domes on Altis with the test chambers inside...

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Well, there are those ominous-looking research domes on Altis with the test chambers inside...

Exactly my thoughts :O

who knows

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