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Vehicles Spawn Around Map?

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Hello guys,

With my mission "Dynamic Survival Sandbox", I'm currently using [sTELS]Zealot's vehicle spawner.

Problem is, it's only spawning 1 type of vehicle in towns.

So is there a way to actually spawn all types of vehicles. (like cars, helicopters etc)

I also want to be able to spawn all those type of vehicles around the whole map rather than a town.



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Ok, well I found a simpler one made by "MindSaver". But how can I get his script to work?

Here is the script below:

//	@file Version: 1.0//	@file Author: Mindsaver
if(!X_Server) exitWith {};
private ["_pos","_type","_num"];
for "_i" from 1 to 18 do
_pos = getMarkerPos format ["object_%1", _i];

_civilianVehicles = ["C_Offroad_01_F","C_Hatchback", "B_Truck_01_mover_F","C_Quadbike_01_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_transport_F","C_Van_01_fuel_F","I_Truck_02_box_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_militaryVehicles = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F","B_Heli_Light_01_F","I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F"]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_num = floor (random 100);
if (_num < 100) then {_type = 0;};
if (_num < 35) then {_type = 1;};
if (_num < 10) then {_type = 2;};

if (_type == 0) then {_car = createVehicle [_civilianVehicles,_pos,[], 30,"None"];};
if (_type == 1) then {_car = createVehicle [_militaryVehicles,_pos,[], 30,"None"];};

_car setVehicleInit "nul=[this, 20, 600, 0, false] execVM 'Vehicle_Spawn\vehicle.sqf'";

//Clear Cars Inventory
   clearMagazineCargoGlobal _car;
   clearWeaponCargoGlobal _car;

//Set Cars Attributes
   _car setFuel (0.50);
   _car setDamage (random 0.50);
   _car setDir (random 360);
_car disableTIEquipment true;
   _car setPosATL [getpos _car select 0,getpos _car select 1,0];

I hope someone could help me get this going in Arma 3. :confused: (so I'll be able to make V3.0 for my mission)



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I made some edits to Zealot's script to make it spawn all the civilian vehicles, seemed to work fine for me.

// v1c Civilian Vehicles from [sTELS]Zealot

if(!isServer) exitWith{};

zlt_civveh_round = 0;
zlt_civveh_vehicles = [];
zlt_civveh_spawnedloc = [];

zlt_rnd_seed = 1;

zlt_fnc_random = {
 private ["_a","_c","_m"];
 _a = 75;
 _c = 0;
 _m = 65537;
 zlt_rnd_seed = ( zlt_rnd_seed * _a + _c ) mod (_m);
 (zlt_rnd_seed / _m) ;

zlt_fnc_selectrandom = {
_this select floor ( ([] call zlt_fnc_random) * count (_this));

zlt_fnc_civvehs = {
_debug = [_this, 1, false] call bis_fnc_param;
_lrange = _this select 2;
_cars = _this select 3;
_t1 = diag_ticktime;

_startpos= _this select 0;
_houses = _startpos nearobjects ["House",_lrange];
//_vehmax =  _cars;
_vehmax = 	(round ((sqrt (count _houses)) * 0.5)) max 1;

_classes = ["C_Offroad_01_F","C_Quadbike_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_transport_F","C_Van_01_box_F","C_Van_01_fuel_F"];
_vehs = 0;
_attemps = 0;

zlt_rnd_seed =  ((_startpos select 0) + (_startpos select 1) mod 65537);

while {_vehs < _vehmax and _attemps < 10} do {
	_class = (_classes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
	//diag_log ["CV",_startpos, _lrange, _houses];

	_house = _houses call zlt_fnc_selectrandom;

	_housepos = _house modeltoworld [0,0,0];
	_newpos = _housepos findEmptyPosition [ 3 , 15, _class ];
	_houses = _houses - [_house];
	if (count _newpos == 0) then {
		_attemps = _attemps + 1;
	} else {
		_veh = _class createVehicle (_newpos ) ;
		_veh setvariable ["zlt_civveh", true];
		zlt_civveh_vehicles set [count zlt_civveh_vehicles, _veh];

		_direction = (random 360);
		_nearRoads = _newpos nearRoads 10;

		if(count _nearRoads > 0) then
			_road = _nearRoads select 0;
			_roadConnectedTo = roadsConnectedTo _road;
			if (count _roadConnectedTo > 0) then {
				_connectedRoad = _roadConnectedTo select 0;
				_direction = [_road, _connectedRoad] call BIS_fnc_DirTo;

		_veh setdir _direction;
		_attemps = 0;
		_vehs = _vehs + 1;
		if (_debug) then {
			["crt"+str(_newpos), _newpos] call zlt_fnc_createmarkerlocal;
_t2 = diag_ticktime;
if (_debug) then {
	diag_log str ["civeh.sqf", _t2-_t1];

zlt_civ_checkloop = {

zlt_civveh_notemptyloc = [];

	_veh = vehicle _x;
	_isInVeh = (vehicle _x != _x);

	// or _veh getvariable ["zlt_civ_round", -1] != zlt_civveh_round
	if (not _isInVeh or {(_veh getvariable ["zlt_civ_round", -1]) != zlt_civveh_round and _veh isKindOf "LandVehicle"}) then {
		_dist = 1000;
		_locations = nearestLocations [(getpos vehicle _x), ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"], _dist];
		_locations2 = nearestLocations [(getpos vehicle _x), ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"], 2500];
			if ( not (_x in zlt_civveh_spawnedloc) ) then {
				_lrange = 50; _cars = 1;
				switch (type _x) do {
					case ("NameCityCapital") : {_lrange = 250; _cars = 7;};
					case ("NameCity") : {_lrange = 150; _cars = 3;};
				_pos = position _x;
				[ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0], false, _lrange, _cars] call zlt_fnc_civvehs;
				zlt_civveh_spawnedloc set [count zlt_civveh_spawnedloc, _x ]; 
//					_x setside east;
		} foreach _locations;
			zlt_civveh_notemptyloc set [count zlt_civveh_notemptyloc, _x];
		} foreach _locations2;
		if (_isInVeh) then { _veh setvariable ["zlt_civ_round", zlt_civveh_round];};
} foreach playableunits;

	_pos = [(position _x) select 0, (position _x) select 1, 0];
	_ent = ( (_pos) nearEntities [["C_Offroad_01_F","C_Quadbike_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_transport_F","C_Van_01_box_F","C_Van_01_fuel_F"], 300] );
		if ( _x getvariable ["zlt_civveh", false] and {count crew _x == 0 and fuel _x == 1}) then {
			deletevehicle _x;
	} foreach _ent;
	zlt_civveh_spawnedloc = zlt_civveh_spawnedloc - [_x];
} foreach (zlt_civveh_spawnedloc-zlt_civveh_notemptyloc);

zlt_civveh_round = zlt_civveh_round + 1;

while {true} do {
//scan loop

sleep 3.4; //magic number
[] call zlt_civ_checkloop;


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TPW pack has script for that. It's pretty good.

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Thanks guys,

Meatball's script works nicely, so I'll be close to releasing V3.0 :) (could be today)



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