instagoat 133 Posted January 22, 2014 Basically, I am wondering three things, and hope that a dev could enlighten me about them. Are personell and equipment for the armies persistent, ie, if I shoot a guy in a mission, will the total amount of troops available be reduced? For example, I managed to destroy a Hamok gunship at the end of Survive, I blew up three Ifrits and a Strider and killed at least twenty CSAT and AAF soldiers in Adapt. On the campaign map, the vehicles are displayed: will they be reduced by the amount I destroyed? Will the killed soldiers be removed from the total of enemy forces available? And if not, what is the point of the orbat interface if it does have no bearing on the world I am playing in anyway? Is the amount of weapons and gear available in the campaign, in total, limited? For example, the total amount of katiba rifles on the Island is XYZ, or explosives, or ammo belts. Thirdly, how do the campaign missions and scouting missions relate to each other? Do they impact each other, or are the scouting missions merely an optional fluff to bring in more varied gameplay? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MissionCreep 12 Posted January 22, 2014 (edited) If you take a bunch of time getting kitted up in Episode 2 and don't go on a side mission (which come pretty fast and furious), next thing you know all your kit changes are gone and you are in Episode 3 (Convoy Ambush). Kind of breaks the immersion. Devs should put a pub or cases of liquor at the FOB, and make Kerry reek of alcohol to make the transition more plausible. Edited January 22, 2014 by MissionCreep Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zek 1 Posted January 23, 2014 I have collected ngv's in every mission, and in the next one... no ngvs... ofp resistance was better at this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zimms 22 Posted January 23, 2014 I also lost some 'special equipment'. E.g. mine detector, tool kit, NVGs, etc. Ammo, guns and weapon attachments got saved correctly though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted January 23, 2014 (edited) Also for me is very important, if my actions in the any kind of secondary activities have any impact on the main plot/big picture, if each kill means one hostile less on map in later missions/battles or it is only wasting precious ammo. Such interdependence build up greatly motivation and is making wise decisions rewarding - your actions and choices really matters. Same for mistakes/stupid moves and their future consequences. Otherwise why to seek for medkits or ammo, if it is meaningless anyway and changes nothing in the big picture, and you anyway will hear, that medical supplies are so low and there are ammo shortages? And yeah, special equipment, damn, especially NVG, definitelly should be stored for further use. "They" took NVG from me even, when I kept it as headgear all the time. Tried several times but no, I had to start first series of patrols in pitch black night only with rifle flashlight and that's it. Gaining my own NVG in such circumstancies is kind of interesting challenge, it could pass, that at first I lost once my NVG or something, but then, when I grabbed half of dozen of NVGs, "they" took me all again just like that. Outrageous. Similar with "bandages" or whatever this magic yellow thing is. Good thing, that at least ammo and rifles are persistent, so there is some reason to collect these for my personal use... Still annoying, when after I choose carefully my gear, at new mission, "they" meanly replace my well thought, optimal combination with some crap, so I must go and choose the proper stuff again. There should be notification about kind of planned tasks and should be up to me, how I select gear to complete these tasks. Also better, if this would affect also somehow guerrila cell power/strength/efficiency. BTW now I found, vehicles' trunks are somehow too small, especially for the truck seems odd, that I can stash only several weapons and some dozens of magazines, while I should be able to store tons of equipment there. For now back to the campaign (apart from above free roam missions, where is up to me what, how and when, where is problem, some resources, no paths, no ready, "hardcoded" solutions and me, are my favorite kind of missions)... EDIT: today "they" took from me my backpack (that I found during sniper hunt mission and used as better than default), thereby reducing my gear capacity, with all, what I had inside, of course. "They" took even my small collection of glasses. I do not know, what to think about all that, but I do not like it at all. It is supposed to be that way? Edited January 24, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clausewitz 1 Posted January 26, 2014 Well, I think the gear management is really a problem. Such kind of campaign (Guerilla style) when your first task is to collect equipment -and maybe personnel needs a better management of the weapon pool. I agree to the following: - no storage of NVGs, First Aid Kits, Backpacks, Vests, headgear and special equipment (e.g. medic pack or engineer pack) is supported. - no hint to the player how the loss of personnel in a mission will be handled. (will you get new comrades or do you have to trust in your own?) - if you restart a campaign mission via "restart" your character and your teammates won't be equipped with your customized gear as you chose in Briefing, instead of this they got there odd standard equipment. - no backpacks or vests in weapon pool to equip teammates by default (I got one soldier only with his uniform...) Further things I would like to see implemented ore modified: - increase the cargo space of Trucks please. A truck (civilian) has less cargo capacity than a ATV Quad. If I decide to loot the battlefield I will get a big truck and bring my stuff home. Big cars are for bif cargo loadouts I think. - in comparison to this decrease the cargo space of small vehicles. - Weapon boxes should hold more cargo space. Try to put your gear into one of the campaign ammo boxes, it's impossible because they are overloaded (except the "optics and silencers box") So I would like to see the possibility to collect all the stuff I gathered from the battlefield in my weapon pool. Why you implemented a thousands of headgear and I am unable to change my Cap because you dont't allow to store a helmet oder beret in my virtual wardrobe cabinet? But nevermind: the Islands, especially Altis, are an impressive virtual world to play. And it runs smooth on my machine, I am well satisfied with the ArmA3 thing. :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites