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Setcaptive false for any player upon vehicle exit

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[] spawn {

waitUntil {!isNull player};

waitUntil {vehicle player != player};

waitUntil {vehicle player == player};

player setCaptive false;


This is what I have running in the init right now, it sort of works but not really.

opfor won't become hostile immediately but only after I open fire on them.

I checked to make sure the mission hadn't set indfor friendly to opfor and they weren't.

Is there any simpler way to make opfor become hostile as soon as any player exits any vehicle?

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Try this (untested):

_x addEventHandler ["GetOut",
	if (isPlayer (_this select 2)) then {(_this select 2) setCaptive false};
} forEach vehicles;

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No dice, had no luck at all with your script

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Shouldn't be the case. In my editor tests, enemies always open fire at me as soon as I remove the setCaptive flag. Are you sure they know about you (knowsAbout > 1.5)?

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Not sure why you are [] spawn'ing. Doesn't break it, but causes unnecessary checks that may hang up on you later on if you reuse captive or the vehicle. Just something to keep in mind.

If the enemies aren't looking at you and you setCaptive false, basically spawning an enemy behind their back, they won't detect you. You can however throw an AutoTarget in there.

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I'm guessing he's spawning the code to run it in a new thread so the rest of the script can continue and not be halted by the waituntils.

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If OPFOR opens fire once you open fire on them it means the script works. On the other hand, the AI doesn't know about you until you open fire at them (ie they're not looking at you). Try setting the knowsAbout value of an OPFOR unit in the vicinity of the player to 4 and see if that unit reacts as soon as the player exits.

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Did some testing and apparently just not setting the players as captive in the first place works fine.

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Glad you got it sorted.

Just to further the topic; the example I posted earlier wouldn't work because of our good old friend - locality. The arguments of setCaptive are local, and from what I understand, the command must be run on the machine that "owns" the player.

So we can try this:

"GetOut" EH only fires on PC where it was added. We also need to know which machine to run the command on, which we can find out by running the owner command on the server. Ergo, run this only on server!

   _x addEventHandler ["GetOut", 
	_unit = _this select 2;
	if (isPlayer _unit) then
		_ownerID = owner _unit;
		[[_unit],"horde_fnc_setCapVehExit",_ownerID, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;	
} forEach vehicles;

So that should tell the "owner" PC of the player to run a function called horde_fnc_setCapVehExit.

Then the PC of the exiting player runs this code. Add it in init.sqf or somewhere that all players PC's can read it from.

horde_fnc_setCapVehExit = 
_unit = _this select 0;
_unit setCaptive false;

See how you get on with that.

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