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Alits Life RPG can't setup your mission with the server

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okey so i got a error or somthing this is the error i se when im done loading in to the mission, i get this msg on my screen: Can't setup session with the server. you have reached the maximum tries of 3. please reconnect.

i get this error iwhen if i reconnect + i tryed to restart the server and every thing so any one please help me out here :)

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hello there is a site I help arma3life tube many many problems to ride my arma3life alfinal server but I got it , the problem you have is based on the connection with the server database , the same thing happened to me until I discovered that are not well connected with my database server remember that you must be the basis of properly installed or dedicated computer if msql own data , and must necessarily llarmase arma3life the database user. but I can guarantee you is that here is a sample of my database

mysql, arma3life , localhost , 3306 , gun, 123

sqlite , weapons

if created on your computer should put localhost as ip

if created on a dedicated IP must put your dedicated or localhost

remember the version I use is

mysql- 5.5.35 - winx64.msi this works correctly

you must grab and import the file named arma3life.sql with the permissions assigned correctly stated in the tutorial arma3life uploaded this once you create two tables, then you must connect to the database as the user you created and it should work

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I also give this error!

Tell me, what are the main reasons? where to look?

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