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LCpl Aaron

ship config pointers?

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i am working on an LCU and i have been reading over Mondkalb's tutorials and other older tutorials on how to get objects in game but nothing i can find of an example for ship config. Any help or any tid bits of info on how to set a ship up would be appreciated.

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first of all is that you have to decide wether you want to use

simulationclass = ship;


simulationclass = shipx;

first way is as in arma 2. second one is Arma 3 style.

For the second way pay attention to these values in the config

The behaviour of the ship in the water does not depend anymore on the Landcontact points, but on the GEO and PHYSX LODs. The PHYSx LOD seems to represent the water displacement of the ship. If you put too much mass (a value over the displacement) the ship sinks. The PHYSx LOD must be similar in form and size, to the ship's hull. It must also follow the Geometry LOD rules (closed and convex) and must be composed of only one component (that's what BIS says in the VSB2 editing wiki)

Regarding the GEO LOD, it is very important to remove the autocenter=0 property in the properties tab of the GEO LOD. Otherwise the ship will inmediately sink.

GEO is very important. It has given me a lot of problems. You must balance the mass in all axis (plural axes? ) and keep the weight down so the ship doesn't turn and sinks. In subs it is specially important because it controls how it moves once submerged and how it mantains depth

waterSpeedFactor = 3.0;

No idea of what this does. I have tried a couple of values and I haven't seen changes

idleRpm = 1000;


redRpm = 4000;


thrustDelay = 2;

Delay after we start executing a movement and the ship/submarine starts the actual movement

overSpeedBrakeCoef = 0.8;

Brake effectivity. If you follow VBS 2 explanations, this value is (overSpeedBrakeCoef*enginePower). The higher the value, the better it brakes

enginePower = 3278;

Engine power in HPs

engineShiftY = 2;

This lines tells where the engine applies the force related to the origin of the model. Esentially what one musy calculate is the distance in the vertical axis between the Y value of center of mass of the model and the Y Value of the propeller, waterjet or whatever moves the shipe. Negative values tend to make the bow rise when you accelerate and positive values tend to make it dive

waterLeakiness = 1000;

This parameter determines the quantity of water (M^3 x S) that will fill the volume of the PHYSx LOD per second. Tipically lower vaues for boats, higher for bigger ships. Modifies the sinking rate of a ship when this suffers damage.

waterResistanceCoef = 0.01;

Represents the resistance if the hull. The higher the value the higher the resistance. This affects acceleration and maximum speed.

waterLinearDampingCoefX = 10.0;

This value represents lateral movements produced by waves. Higher values will make the ship corner better and slide less to the sides.

waterLinearDampingCoefY = 1.2;

This one represents vertical movements depending on the waves. Higher values will modify how much the ship sinks/goes down depending on the waves. It can also affect the flotation line mantaining the ame Ship mass. Higher values will also make a ship sink slower

waterAngularDampingCoef = 8.0;

Smooth the angular movement in all axis, higher values will reduce swinging/swaying, but may cause strange behavior in turns/rolling over waves.


rudderForceCoef = 12;

rudderForceCoefAtMaxSpeed = 15;

How the rudder works. The higher the value the more the ship will turn, BUT the more it will incline when turning. Values to high could even make a ship turn upside down (and sink) when turning. If you are transporting non scripted vehicles the can easily fall if this value is set too high.

There are two values. The first one is for low speed (usually ships turn better when sailing faster than a certain speed) and the second one when going at MEDIUM or FAST speed.

      memoryPointsLeftWaterEffect = "waterEffectR";
     memoryPointsRightWaterEffect = "waterEffectL";
     memoryPointsLeftEngineEffect = "EngineEffectL";
     memoryPointsRightEngineEffect = "EngineEffectR";

These are points in the memory LOD that represent the spawning points for water particle FX. The first ones represent bow FX, the last ones represent the foam generated by the engine propeller


The ship won't move unless you add these points to the memory LOD.

memoryPointsLeftEngineEffect = "EngineEffectL";
memoryPointsRightEngineEffect = "EngineEffectR";

Hope it helps!!!!!

Edited by mankyle

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Wow mankyle, thats one hell of a collection you've put together there ...... I'm now tempted to port a few ships :)


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The PHYSx LOD seems to represent the water displacement of the ship.

Is this the "Geometry Phys" LOD or the "Geometry Buoyancy" LOD ?

Both are available in the new O2 for ArmA3

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In the LCS2 model I have used the "Geometry Physics" and it works

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