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setcaptive Trigger working intermittently

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I am using setcaptive triggers to allow a player to go unchallenged as a civilian behind enemy lines which is then cancelled as he plants explosives. The setcaptive true is in a trigger at the mission start as he gets into a car and setcaptive false is in another trigger at the explosives target. I am finding that sometimes the triggers work and sometimes they don't. As this is a mission breaker I want to make sure they work every time. Is there anything that could interfere with the trigger working or is there a better way of doing it without triggers?

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This might help you;

A unit which is on "setcaptive true" is not recognized as a member of it's faction anymore.


1 BLUFOR unit is set to setcaptive true.

Now, there's a trigger, condition: BLUFOR is present

The unit enters the trigger area and... nothing.

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I understand that when set to true the unit assumes the class of a civilian. I had the trigger to make setcaptive false triggered by Civilian present once. Today the true trigger didn't work, then it did but the false trigger didn't work. I have changed the false trigger so that it is triggered by anybody and a condition of p1 in thislist. All was then working fine and I managed a full run through of the mission. The trouble is that tomorrow, the conditions may fail to work again. I am wondering if it is just a quirk of the editor, when it is first started up or whether this behaviour will continue after the game is published on Steam.

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How do you have the trigger set up, repeating?

Also animals and some objects will set off a trigger and will also prevent a trigger from re activating if they remain in the area.

I just re -read your post and using in thislist should get around that problem.

Are you in and out of a vehicle?

vehicle p1 in thislist

will work for both.

Edited by F2k Sel

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The first trigger is at mission start as the player gets into a vehicle. The false trigger is a few minutes into the mission. After that they are no longer needed so they are set to trigger once. I hadn't considered animals setting them off, although I haven't seen any around that may have set them off. I wouldn't want to trigger the condition again later and inadvertently setcaptive true without realising it.

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You could also run a monitor to keep track of the player side

just place in p1 init and it will return your current side

null = [] spawn {while {true} do    { sleep 0.5;player sidechat str side vehicle p1}}

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I will try including that on the next run through, it might save a bit of time, although I soon know whether it's worked or not when I get engaged by the mounted machine guns at the checkpoints.

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Triggers worked fine today and the monitor was useful to check things were happening at the right time. Thanks.

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