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Grumpy Old Man

CfgSentences - using entries with say/playSound?

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Hey Folks,

is it possible to use sentences that are present in the CfgSentences without having to dePbo the file, copy the soundfile to missionfolder and define every single sentence in the description.ext again?

Everytime I try to do it with only copying the pathfile to something like:

player say "\a3\dubbing_f_beta\mptype_defense\01_BLUFOR\mptype_defense_01_blufor_BHQ_0.ogg"

I get the sound file not found error.

Is there a workaround for this?


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put the ogg file in the mission and put in the sound cfg,

class soundname


name     = "soundname";
sound[]  = {"filepath\mptype_defense_01_blufor_BHQ_0.og", 1, 1};
titles[] = {};


and delcare it in the description.ext

class CfgSounds 


sounds[] = {}; 

#include "sounds.hpp"


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make a folder named sounds in your mission folder and paste the sound there.

then in your description.ext file put this

class CfgSounds {
sounds[] = {sound1};
class sound1 {name="mysound1";sound[]={"\sounds\mptype_defense_01_blufor_BHQ_0.ogg",db+10,1.0};titles[] = {};};

and then you can play the sound with

player say "mysound1";

Edited by dragonsyr

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say, say3d or anything else relies on a definition in CfgSounds in the description.ext of the mission. CfgSounds link, try placing the line into the config in the "filename" path.

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i m not sure what you want to avoid, but if the description part is your problem,

try this in your script you want to play the sound.

_mysound = [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString;// this will bypass your cfgsounds setup
_playmysound = _mysound + "sounds\mptype_defense_01_blufor_BHQ_0.ogg";// your path goes here
playSound3D [_playmysound, player, true, getPos player, 10, 1, 20];// and you can play your sound with this command

i m not sure 100% that you dont need the description part with this but give it a try.....

also i dont know if the playsound3d is that you want...

---------- Post added at 13:29 ---------- Previous post was at 13:17 ----------

the diference is

say = local call of sound (i think that only the caller hear the sound

say3d = global call (all players hear the sound in distance < 2 miles...... from my tests)

playsound3d = global call with fade on distance (all players hear the sound in < distance you set .....in this code is the number 20 at the end of the play command......edit: and the number 10 is the db of your sound)

someone can confirm that ?............

Edited by dragonsyr

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Thanks dragonsyr, gonna try that!

From what I know the only difference is that say commands allow lipsync, with say2d playing the sound in mono, just like a narrator voice without any positional audio as long as you're close enough to the unit using the say2d command.

say3D and playsound3D never made any difference for me when compared to say and playsound.

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player is not be able to hear the differences when playing some sounds with say3d , playsound3d, say , playsound. the difference is what other players hears(mp)

you can test this if you call the sound on object/other unit near you and then walk around to hear the difference.

---------- Post added at 16:31 ---------- Previous post was at 16:24 ----------

from my tests the say3d fade the sound about 2 clicks from the source , playsound3d fade the sound to the distance in meters you set.

say and playsound is local to the player and you can hear the sound from any place on the map (for the local only, i think .... im not sure )

Edited by dragonsyr

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Tried it and doesn't seem to work.

Is there any other way to use the already available sounds?

Like the stuff that AI soldiers use when saying "2, form on me" etc.

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