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relative position from object (???)

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Ok that fucks it, setting the Azi to 285 then anything over 255ish returns negative numbers.

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lol how can that be :/ the last two lines of bis_fnc_relativedirto are
//ensure return is between 0-360
if (_dir < 0) then {_dir = _dir + 360};
if (_dir > 360) then {_dir = _dir - 360};

Well, if you turn them to face west instead of north, they'll both return negative values.


I think something is either broken or inconsistent with BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo math, but I can't look into it now. :(

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lol how can that be :/ the last two lines of bis_fnc_relativedirto are
//ensure return is between 0-360
if (_dir < 0) then {_dir = _dir + 360};
if (_dir > 360) then {_dir = _dir - 360};

you mean that i need to put these two lines at the end of my ifs???

edit: ok ..... at last this working fine.......

_target = rwdir;    
_relDir = [_target, player] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo;
if (_reldir < 0) then {_reldir = _reldir + 360};
if (_reldir > 360) then {_reldir = _reldir - 360};
if ( _relDir >= 0 && _relDir <= 90 ) then {hint"you are frontright";sleep 1;hint format ["_relDir is %1", _relDir];sleep 1;};
if ( _relDir >= 90 && _relDir <= 180 ) then {hint"you are backright";sleep 1;hint format ["_relDir is %1", _relDir];sleep 1;};
if ( _relDir >= 180 && _relDir <= 270 ) then {hint"you are backleft";sleep 1;hint format ["_relDir is %1", _relDir];sleep 1;}; 
if ( _relDir >= 270 && _relDir <= 359 ) then {hint"you are frontleft";sleep 1;hint format ["_relDir is %1", _relDir];sleep 1;}; 

thank both of you guys !!! --what a mess.......!! ---

Edited by dragonsyr

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This line in BIS_fnc_dirTo is incorrect

_ret = ((_pos2 select 0) - (_pos1 select 0)) atan2 ((_pos2 select 1) - (_pos1 select 1));
_ret = _ret % 360; //ensure return is 0-360

atan2 returns -180 to 180 , the mod 360 of these values is still -180 to 180 not 0 - 360.

Compounding this by BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo subtracting the rotation of the object, leaves _dir over -360.

The lines

if (_dir < 0) then {_dir = _dir + 360};
if (_dir > 360) then {_dir = _dir - 360};

In BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo are never going to bring it back into a 0 - 360 range.

Edited by Larrow

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atan2 returns -180 to 180 , the mod 360 of these values is still -180 to 180 not 0 - 360


Nice find, that seems to be the issue. Modulo seems to have changed the way it operates since that function was written.

I suggest making a ticket on the FT for this. Seems a bit severe.

The correct line should be after the change to the way modulo works:

_ret = _ret - (360 * (floor (_ret / 360)));

Edited by Sniperwolf572

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I suggest making a ticket on the FT for this. Seems a bit severe.

Done vote up. 0016556

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