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ARMA 2 Frigate Port

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I know many of us have wished for this ability to walk in interiors while the vehicles or vessels are moving since OFP days, but I'm starting to think that BIS developers aren't reading the same threads as we're all reading, lol. Here's to hoping though.
Or more likely they just don't "enjoy the use of such assets - carriers, LHD's, battleships, etc." enough to actually put effort and resources into the ships, unlike the boats; Jay Crowe's past talk about what an "infantry centric" Arma 3 (plus it being the first in the series to be outright called that by a dev) sealed that impression for me.

That, and there's just no RN/RAN money in it like there was for BISim.

Re: "boats" vs. "ships", and I'm not counting submarines in "boats"... SUR is the main scenario ruled out by the current state, as opposed to boarding of a static ship, while simulating a warship as a surface combatant with all characters being in seats just like in boats (i.e. the armed speedboats) is perfectly doable in Arma and has been done in both Arma 2 and Arma 3.

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Great !! :P

I've done a port of the static A2 Fregata and the Destroyer too and will release this in few days with some other static objects from A2... look at the picture !! I don't fall through the Ship and Fregata is actually w/o a PhysX Lod... but i fall through my Destroyer, don't know why... Land Contact LOD, Geo LOD, all seems to be okay...


I'll make a WIP Thread later this day... every help or teamwork is welcome !!

Regards, P.


Can you tell me how you get the destroyer and the Fregata in arma3? I also want to port the LHD from arma2 but i still can't figure it out how to do this.

I want to make mission starting from these ships.



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