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Electricity Effect from Mission 1

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Can anyone tell me how to reproduce the electricity effect from Mission 01, with the downed Blackfoot? (You can see sparks in the cockpit).

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You shouldn't need to do it manually. If you place the Empty > Wrecks > Blackfoot wreck, it will start sparking on it's own.

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Ah, interesting. I didn't want to use it in conjunction with the Blackfoot wreck though! No wonder I couldn't find it anywhere in the config files! Thanks for letting me know!

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Does anybody know if there's a way to replicate that effect? Possibly as a particle effect?

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this execVM "\A3\Structures_F\Wrecks\Scripts\Wreck_Heli_Attack_01.sqf"

why replicate when you can just use the actual script.

But just incase that doesn't work as intended here's the script itself:

_v = _this;

// --- engine exhaust smoke 1 ---
if ((random 1) < 0.75) then {
[_v] spawn {
	_v = _this select 0;
	while {!(isNull _v)} do {
		_posV = getPos _v;
		_smoke1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
		_smoke1 attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],"engine_effect_1"];
		_pos = getPos _smoke1;
		deleteVehicle _smoke1;
		_smoke1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
		_smoke1 setPos _pos;
		_smoke1 setParticleClass "WreckSmokeSmall";
		if (isNil {_v getVariable "smokeSound"}) then {
			_smokeSound1 = createSoundSource ["Sound_SmokeWreck1", _pos, [], 0];
			_v setVariable ["smokeSound",_smokeSound1];
		while {(_posV distance (getPos _v)) < 0.5} do {
			sleep 5
		deleteVehicle _smoke1;
		if !(isNil {_v getVariable "smokeSound"}) then {deleteVehicle (_v getVariable "smokeSound")};

// --- engine exhaust smoke 2 ---
if ((random 1) < 0.75) then {
[_v] spawn {
	_v = _this select 0;
	while {!(isNull _v)} do {
		_posV = getPos _v;
		_smoke2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
		_smoke2 attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],"engine_effect_2"];
		_pos = getPos _smoke2;
		deleteVehicle _smoke2;
		_smoke1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
		_smoke1 setPos _pos;
		_smoke1 setParticleClass "WreckSmokeSmall";
		if (isNil {_v getVariable "smokeSound"}) then {
			_smokeSound2 = createSoundSource ["Sound_SmokeWreck1", _pos, [], 0];
			_v setVariable ["smokeSound",_smokeSound2];
		while {(_posV distance (getPos _v)) < 0.5} do {
			sleep 5.11
		deleteVehicle _smoke1;
		if !(isNil {_v getVariable "smokeSound"}) then {deleteVehicle (_v getVariable "smokeSound")};

// --- avionics sparks 1 (gunner's display) ---
[_v] spawn {
_v = _this select 0;
sleep (5 + random 20);
while {!(isNull _v)} do {
	_sparks = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
	_sparks attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],"avionics_effect_4"];
	_pos = getPos _sparks;
	deleteVehicle _sparks;
	_posV = getPos _v;

	while {(_posV distance (getPos _v)) < 0.5} do {
		_sparks = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
		_sparks setPos _pos;
		_sparks setParticleClass "AvionicsSparks";
		_sparksSound1 = createSoundSource ["Sound_SparklesWreck2", _pos, [], 0];
		sleep 1.5;
		deleteVehicle _sparksSound1;
		deleteVehicle _sparks;

		sleep (5 + random 20);

// --- avionics sparks 2 (gunner's controls) ---
[_v] spawn {
_v = _this select 0;
sleep (5 + random 20);
while {!(isNull _v)} do {
	_sparks = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
	_sparks attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],"avionics_effect_6"];
	_pos = getPos _sparks;
	deleteVehicle _sparks;
	_posV = getPos _v;

	while {(_posV distance (getPos _v)) < 0.5} do {			
		_sparks = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
		_sparks setPos _pos;
		_sparks setParticleClass "AvionicsSparks";

		_smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
		_smoke setPos _pos;
		_smoke setParticleClass "AvionicsSmoke";
		_sparksSound2 = createSoundSource ["Sound_SparklesWreck1", _pos, [], 0];

		sleep 1.5;
		deleteVehicle _sparks;
		sleep 1.5;
		deleteVehicle _sparksSound2;
		deleteVehicle _smoke;

		sleep (5 + random 20);

// --- avionics sparks 3 (pilot's controls) ---
[_v] spawn {
_v = _this select 0;
sleep (5 + random 20);
while {!(isNull _v)} do {
	_sparks = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
	_sparks attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],"avionics_effect_5"];
	_pos = getPos _sparks;
	deleteVehicle _sparks;
	_posV = getPos _v;

	while {(_posV distance (getPos _v)) < 0.5} do {			
		_sparks = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
		_sparks setPos _pos;
		_sparks setParticleClass "AvionicsSparks";

		_smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
		_smoke setPos _pos;
		_smoke setParticleClass "AvionicsSmoke";
		_sparksSound3 = createSoundSource ["Sound_SparklesWreck1", _pos, [], 0];

		sleep 1.5;
		deleteVehicle _sparks;
		sleep 1.5;
		deleteVehicle _sparksSound3;
		deleteVehicle _smoke;

		sleep (5 + random 20);

Edited by Kerc Kasha

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Kerc Kasha, brilliant stuff! Well found! Very, very helpful! Really appreciated, mate!

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