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Different player time on Dedi MP

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Last week I played a custom COOP mission on Altis. We had 27-30 players, 12 FPS. No JIP, all players joined at the same time.

The in-game mission start time was 04:10.

I was the only player who had a start time of 1 hour earlier, 03:10. At 05:00 hours it was daylight for all players, except me. Fooks were wondering why I was still wearing my NV's...

How does this happen? And how do I get rid of this? It has happened before on another mission.

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Finally found out what caused it: MCC caused the delay on dedi servers. Not sure why/how. Didn't try to log in in the MCC console. Will report in the MCC thread.

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Yes, time desync is either a result of bad scripting or client having a lot more FPS drops (freezes) than the server and/or other clients. Though the latter would only create accumulating differences over time, rather than a big difference right at the start of the mission.

There are proper ways to sync time with a script and even sync weather, but it's not simple, and in the case of weather synchronization - Pretty ugly as well (requires use of skipTime and then setting the time back to what it was)...

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Additionally, unless client-side scripts dictate otherwise, the time on the client will be synced once upon connecting to the server, so any discrepancy caused by non-script factors will be synced if you disconnect and reconnect.

Of course, many missions have scripts that run on init and set time etc, and thus if done incorrectly can break the default ArmA date synchronization.

Of course, remember it's only synced once upon joining, so if your computer freezes for 1 hour your local time will be 1 hour behind the server until you reconnect if no script re-syncs the time.

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Additionally, unless client-side scripts dictate otherwise, the time on the client will be synced once upon connecting to the server, so any discrepancy caused by non-script factors will be synced if you disconnect and reconnect.

Of course, many missions have scripts that run on init and set time etc, and thus if done incorrectly can break the default ArmA date synchronization.

Of course, remember it's only synced once upon joining, so if your computer freezes for 1 hour your local time will be 1 hour behind the server until you reconnect if no script re-syncs the time.

Thius was not the case. I have since I found the culprit spoken to other players who use MCC, and they confirm that they also had the time sync problem. We use CBA and ACRE (incl JaysArmalib) for all our missions but I can't image those two who have caused MCC not to sync correctly.

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Well, MCC uses scripts to set time/date, therefore MCC is responsible for setting time/date to correct values. As for what in MCC actually causes the desync and when (usually those things are rather random as they depend on which script happened to finish running first or whether a variable was broadcast before or after it was processed by the client) - You'll have to look at the MCC scripts or ask in the MCC thread.

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Played onother op tonight (27 players, Altis, ACRE, CBA, cTAB and this time NO MCC),. no time sync problems...

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Played onother op tonight (27 players, Altis, ACRE, CBA, cTAB and this time NO MCC),. no time sync problems...

Are all the players running MCC, if not that is the problem.

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