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can't createUnit tried everything

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I have seriously been messing with this for like six hours.

I have tried every way I could think of. I'm using "[(getPos player select 0) + 1, (getPos player select 1) + 1]" for the location? I actually think it worked once, with setPos, so I assume its fine.

And then I thought maybe you could only createUnit from a script file, that you couldn't do it from the trigger onactivate field. So I tried that with [] exec "script.sqs" and it runs the script, but it still won't create the damn unit.

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_unit = someGroup createUnit ["unit_ClassName", getPosATL player , [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

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_unit = someGroup createUnit ["unit_ClassName", getPosATL player , [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

You think its not spawning it because its too close? I think I've tried besides 1m as well. And is there a reason to use getPosATL instead of getPos?

I tried it, nothing.

I also tried some of the stuff I had been doing with getPosATL instead of getPos and different units in case the classname was bad, still nothing.

Edited by peterius

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If the unit your spawning is on a different side you will need to place at least one unit of that side on the map somewhere.

this will spawn a unit on your side and in your group.

_unit = group player createUnit [typeof player, getPosATL player , [], 0, "none"];

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If the unit your spawning is on a different side you will need to place at least one unit of that side on the map somewhere.

this will spawn a unit on your side and in your group.

_unit = group player createUnit [typeof player, getPosATL player , [], 0, "none"];

That's crazy. You're saying you can't spawn any unit that isn't placed on the map elsewhere? Anyway, I tried that and it didn't work. If there was some weird group error, would it would not say anything and just silently not spawn anything? (I have the -showScriptErrors thing on)


I just suddenly got a dialog error message for a typo in one of the triggers I added yesterday. What? WHAT? And now magically it started adding units.

Yeah, thanks, that was it, I had to place a unit somewhere else on the map.

Something else isn't right either, I can't change the class name of the unit...

I tried changing the groups and now, despite working with a group name defined in an initialization field before, now the script can't find the group name, says its a bad variable. This is ridiculous.

Edited by peterius

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Well you need to create the units side before creating/spawing units. You can use createCenter or place a unit on the map, of the corresponding side. You can set his probability of presence to 0% aswell. Also, what classname are you trying to create?

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Using this should help you create vehicles of any side:

createcenter civilian;
createcenter east;
createcenter west;
createcenter resistance;
createCenter sideLogic;

I have found setting friendly options is sometimes necessary when there aren't any units of type on the map as well:

West setFriend [Resistance, 0];
West setFriend [East, 0];
West setFriend [West, 1];
East setFriend [Resistance, 0];
East setFriend [West, 0];
East setFriend [East, 1];
Resistance setFriend [East, 0];
Resistance setFriend [West, 0];
Resistance setFriend [Resistance, 1];

You only have to do that once. Then just create a new group when creating the unit (i.e. _civGroup = Creategroup civilian;)

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Yeah, thanks, I think I got it working.

Edited by peterius

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