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Ghost recon enlightenment

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With rifled slugs, you can hit a target at that distance and take it down.

The problem is that the ballistics for a slug at that distance are so attrocious, you'd need lots of practice (and quite a bit of luck) to pull it off, because you would have to aim so high above the target that the barrel would completely obscure the target itself.

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I disagree. Ghost Recon's AI is just terrible. Even on hardest difficulty setting they walk around slowly fully standing up. Even when they're 20 meters away and see you.

Flashpoint's AI does have some flaws too. For example, since I play with SuperAI (what other way) I think that AI players are just too good. They can shoot you with the AK from 600 meters away dead on, everytime.

Also, can someone please explain to me why all AI soldiers ALWAYS use Burst mode on their weapons ? Couldn't the AI determine what are the chances of hitting a target and then select either single or burst.

I'm sick of my AI team mates always shooting in Burst and running out of bullets in 2 minutes.

But generally comparing Ghost Recon's AI and Flashpoint's, well Flashpoint's gets my vote. Here the enemy detects you, splits up, divides in to flanks and comes from the sides at you. In Ghost Recon they walk around like morons.

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Also taking into consideration that in ghost recon, youre up against terrorists, while in OFP, youre up against an army with conventional training.

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Yeah, if you had followed the Ghost Recon storyline well enough then you would know that those are Red Army troops commanded by a renegade Generals. Their troops would have been (in theory) just as well trained as the American, considering it was the height of the Cold War.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ Aug. 31 2002,14:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah, if you had followed the Ghost Recon storyline well enough then you would know that those are Red Army troops commanded by a renegade Generals.  Their troops would have been (in theory) just as well trained as the American, considering it was the height of the Cold War.<span id='postcolor'>

Uhh...no. In OFP, your enemy is renegade Soviet troops commanded by an insane Russian General. In Ghost Recon, you are up against terrorists.

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since i only played GR in demo version, i might be biased, but the GR ai is just...well...dumb....

i can get into fire fights, but finish them off just like in OFP...yes, they do seek cover, but after that, they do little, except to show up and stand and shoot. i saw plenty of time where GR AIs prefered to stand and shoot at me, only to be killed by me.

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I'm first to agree that the ai in GR is lacking, it just 'feels' better. If you have played the demo then it is way different from the game now. The patches have done wonders with how the ai moves and reacts. I agree that the ai does move too lineary, ie doesn't flank me enough, but they do if they have numbers. What I like is the fact that they miss and suppressive fire works, both ways. I think that's what sells it for me. There's nothing like bein prone behind a small object and just not moving because the enemy pins you down. In OFP they either nail you, or ignore you. Nothing in between.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DayGlow @ Sep. 01 2002,01:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What I like is the fact that they miss and suppressive fire works, both ways. I think that's what sells it for me. There's nothing like bein prone behind a small object and just not moving because the enemy pins you down. In OFP they either nail you, or ignore you. Nothing in between.

Colin<span id='postcolor'>

HELL              YES!

This is what i always find missing in games is the Realistic Ignorance. Sure, it probably doesnt take too much ammo to hit someone with an assault rifle if youve got a clean shot, but in a battle like the kind we see in games, you wouldnt have time to think about that, or anything for that matter. Youd just shoot, and try to be as accurate as possible while keeping yourself as pretected as you could. Ghost recon deffinitely put a lot of realism back in the way the enemy engaged you.

They can miss a lot of the time in OFP. Machine gunners, and Spetz Natzs with bizons will just sit there opening up on me and nothing hits me, but they do have to have quite a distance between me. With assault rifles, you have to turn down the enemy's skill all the way, and even then, it wont take more than three trys for them to hit you. This does come in handy for AI snipers, cause they really would be able to hit you that good in real life.

Word of the wise, game developers, your AI is inhumanly accurate. You have to make them more realistically ignorant, or the fun factor is going to disappear.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Word of the wise, game developers, your AI is inhumanly accurate. You have to make them more realistically ignorant, or the fun factor is going to disappear.

<span id='postcolor'>

That was the only feature I liked in MoH:AA, the enemy AI would stick their weapons around the corner and fire blindly at you. This did two things. 1, it kept your head down so that the enemy's buddies could advance on you and 2, it prolonged firefights and made them alot more entertaining. They were still pretty keen out in the open, but their 'ignorance' at times made the game alot more fun.

I find that the AI in OFP is pretty decent, commanding a section against an enemy can be very fun if you know how to do it. If you know how, then you can get the AI's to do most of the killing (and dying) for you. My problem is the same as yours, the enemy AI is too accurate. They seem to have some sort of 'auto-aim' that makes them hit you in the head just about every time they shoot at you.

It would be alot more realistic if the Enemy AI broke for cover every time you shot at them, instead of going prone in the open and looking around for you. I bet the whole problem could be fixed if there was wild/tall grass in alot of places, providing that the AI can't see through the grass like they can with smoke. Grass would make the fights very interesting.

Just an idea.


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