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How to restrict a Magazine? (not weapon)

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This does not seem to work in the .sqf:

if (player hasMagazine "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag") then


if ((playerSide == west && typeOf player != "B_soldier_exp_F") || (playerside == east && typeOf player != "O_soldier_exp_F") || (playerside == resistance && typeOf player != "I_soldier_exp_F")) then


player removeMagazine "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag";

player globalChat "Only Explosives Specialists are trained with this item. Explosive removed.";



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There is no hasMagazine command

You can try to do this with a TAKE eventhandler

Quick and dirty (and untested):

TRN_fnc_checkMagazine = {

if ((_this select 2) == "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag") && ((playerSide == west && typeOf player != "B_soldier_exp_F") || (playerside == east && typeOf player != "O_soldier_exp_F") || (playerside == resistance && typeOf player != "I_soldier_exp_F"))) then
	player removeMagazine (_this select 2);
	player globalChat "Only Explosives Specialists are trained with this item. Explosive removed.";

player addEventhandler ["TAKE", _this spawn TRN_fnc_checkMagazine];

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That's probably fine, but I think there are still some situations where the Take eventhandler is buggy. For example, I know it doesn't work properly when you pick up an explosive that has been spawned. Not a common situation, but still.

Instead of hasMagazine you would want

 if ("SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag" in (magazines player)) then {

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If you want to make sure that the mag will never be used you can put the code that checks it in onEachFrame, not sure if that would have an impact on performance, but I use onEachFrame with a pretty complex code with lots of ifs and math calculations, and it doesn't seem to affect the game performance, so I guess a simple mag check wont cause many problems.

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Did anyone get this to work? I tried the OP's method with

if ("SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag" in (magazines player)) then {

but it did not work at all.

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if ("SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag" in (magazines player)) then {
if (!(typeOf player in ["B_soldier_exp_F", "B_G_Soldier_exp_F", "O_soldier_exp_F", "I_soldier_exp_F"])) then {
	player removeMagazine "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag";
	player globalChat "Only Explosives Specialists are trained with this item. Explosive removed.";

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