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Better roads and a measuring tool...

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I have been thinking about how to make the whole terrain making process easier and I think I have come up with a solution...

Firstly we need something to combat the problems of placing roads in those hard to place areas, on the side of hills and uneven ground. It's all well and good to flatten things out and spend time in L3DT, fine tuning in V3, but there are those times when this just does not cut the mayonnaise.

So what if we were to create two lots of road sections that work in a similar way to the sidewalk and wall sections (adjusting either front and rear edge up and down to the terrain) , and ones that are simply flat, both with a nice little run off area of a couple of meters and then a sort of 'fall off' where there model runs away downward at an angle... something like this:


obviously this is a crude mock up, and an actual model could have a little love put into it, but you get the idea, you could set a road to sweep across a section of uneven ground /the second type that remains flat) set at an absolute height, or along the side of a sweeping hill (the type that adjusts front and rear relative to the ground) without too much fuss, of course you would still have to do a little work on the terrain its self, but no where near as much as if you had to lay the raod sections flat on the ground....

I just have no idea if this is possible to make with snap points, and road AI, obviously there would also have to be a beginning and end section with a clever mechanic to change the road texture to a non BIS texture to avoid stealing their work...


What a about some kind of set square, like a measuring tool that is basically three intersecting rulers along the x,y and z axis, with real world measurements, so I can lay a house, get out my trusty rulers and then use it to line up with house A, and then I can place house B exactly 2.6m away, or, I can do a double measurement, making sure that house A is exactly 1m lower or higer than House B, or whatever.... you get the idea, perhaps even have a nice little protractor on there too....

any thoughts?

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OK so I learned to use O2 and made myself a nice little measure tool for all of the above reasons, plus it's great for placing things like single fence posts i broken sections of wall, and just getting a better idea of scale on things, I also have a yellow and red meter rule i printed onto paper and stuck on my desk in front of me so i have constant reference looking from one to the other from screen and real life, it gives me a real sense of size now...

here are a couple of pictures, if anyone is interested I could probably upload it to somewhere for people to use..


it stays level to the ground by default for ease of use...


here you can see how i was using it to centre and align fence posts...


and here you get an idea of the detail of measurment, down to CM's in a good resolution

next to figure out the roads problem!


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just trying to find out if anyone understands and could explain how I can create a road section that isn't essentially a decal. The existing bridges work with road AI and also appear and work in the maps in-game, I can't figure out how they did that, because once I have, I can begine to make a selection of raised road sections as described above for using on uneven ground and hillsides.

I've realised that a simple drop-off isn't good enough for hillsides, and having looked at a lot of pictures and real solutions to the problem, the roads usually have a concrete base that goes into the hillside, so it's pretty much a wide wall with a road ontop...

Anyway, if anyone can explain how the ARMA bridges work in terms of showing up as road in the maps, then I would be very grateful, I did a search but the results that came back were really not what i was looking for.


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the trick is and im afraid its a trick is to place your actual roads and lay your pseudo roads on top .

remember that Ai will drive on your Psuedo bridge /road as long as it has a roadway and is not ( you will have to verify this cause its been a while) 0.5 meters above the surface of the terrain.

so your roads show on the map , the Ai will follow them but in effect they drive on your built up psuedo roads

No gaurantee with newer Ai i belive they act a bit shiddy under certain "status" in the editor .

Hope it helps

Edited by Sealife

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Daring do you mean how to get them to show up on the map as a road icon?

Add map = road in the geometry lod of the bridge. -Edit (may be map = bridge)

The real trick is to get the bridges to start exactly where the road ends. This way the ai drive on the road then get dumped out onto the bridge realize there's a roadway lod there and continue on their way.

The pita is when the roads don't end exactly where the bridge starts AND is on a decline where the road actually continues under the beginning of the bridge for a meter or two. Even though the player can't see it the ai try to follow the road till the end which causes them to drive off under the bridge

Edited by M1lkm8n

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