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USEC arma 2 mods by Rocket public release

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Edited by ChaddlesG

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All the members of USEC for funding models, directional guidance and tons of tisting (testing)

LOL, I see what you did there.

This is AMAZING, so good of all involved to share all this amazing work with the community!!!

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@ChaddlesG I joined your team's teamspeak server a couple of weeks ago to get some help in setting up a server with the USEC Revolution, a member said that they would contact someone to help me out/get me instructions on how to do so. I gave this member my email address so they or someone in the unit could send information my way. I've not received anything from this member or the unit for a couple of weeks now. So seeing as though I may not get the help I need I'll go ahead and ask you. I created a server with just USEC, ACE, ACRE activated; I then launched up one of the USEC Revolution missions, and selected a unit to play. When I'm on the loading screen I get a message saying something about "Trying to authenticate with mother server" few minuets later "Unable to reach mother server", or something like that. From what the member that I got a hold of said, was that I have to set the server up like a DayZ server, but I have not idea how to. I've set up many regular and MSO servers in the past few years, but have never sat up a DayZ server. So if you could help me and/or get a hold of someone from your unit willing to send information my way that'll be great.

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Hey JSF, I'll get hold of ChaddlesG. That mother error has something to do with the overall system we ran between our Arma servers and their mods, and our website.

Basically what it did is record time spent on the servers, straight on to website statistics and if you completed a training exercise, it would tell the website to award a ribbon etc.

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