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This could be a vary useful module if bis would get some documentation on it.

Most BIS modules could be much more useful with documentation.

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Does someone know how to set the simulations manager distance with commands, for example after a trigger is completed (or simply delete the module with commands)

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Hey just bump the thread, i know there is dynamic simulation now but after testing i got better performance client side with simulation manager so i would like to use it but i got an issue on dedicated server.


So i use the code provided by @Larrow in a sqf file, so the unit are hidden for every client until someone hit the activation distance, but the issue its when a client disconnect from the server.

For exemple if i activate all the AI unit under the simulation management in a village, be killed then respawn all the unit are hidden so it working fine, but when i disconnect from the server all the unit activated by me are excluded from sim manager, so if there few player roaming around the map and activate many AI unit each time a client disconnect from the server, the monitored unit activated by each client are excluded from sim manager, so on a long session it can result to a serious performance issue.

Here the code provided by @Larrow (i use a game logic named fps_manager) and call it globally.



if ( !(isNil "fps_manager") ) then {
	fps_manager setVariable ["radius",1500];
	fps_manager setVariable ["excludeAir",true];
	[fps_manager] execFSM "\a3\modules_f\ObjectModifiers\functions\fn_moduleSimulationManager.fsm";

I call it in init.sqf

"sim_manager.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM",0,true];


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