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Config.cpp gibberish

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Some of the addons I come across have the Config.cpp file written in complete gibberish :confused:. Like this config file of the MI-24 Desert addon (download here). Everything in the config file is messed up when I open it using notepad or wordpad.

Here's how it looks :

http://i41.tinypic.com/2njg9kn.jpg (432 kB)

Why does this happen ?

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I'm guessing the config file was written using some rare character encoding - Chinese or Indian maybe? Try to open in with editors like Notepad2 or Notepad++ and change text encoding to UTF8 or Unicode.

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Is this config from that 'MI-24 Desert' addon that you posted a link above? If not, please upload this file somewhere so I could take a look at it.

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Yes it is

---------- Post added at 21:34 ---------- Previous post was at 21:27 ----------

I've faced this problem with several other addons as well.

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It's perfectly fine on my system. Maybe you don't have some foreign character sets installed? Anyway, here it is (encoding - Cyrillic Windows 1251):

#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

#define WeaponNoSlot		0// dummy weapons
#define WeaponSlotPrimary	1// primary weapons
#define WeaponSlotSecondary	16// secondary weapons
#define WeaponSlotItem		256// items
#define WeaponSlotBinocular	4096// пaѕekohѕad
#define WeaponHardMounted	65536

class CfgPatches
class Desert_HIND
{units[] = {Desert_HIND}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.30;};

class CfgVehicles
class All{};
class AllVehicles:All{};
class Land:AllVehicles{};
class Man:Land{};
class Soldier:Man{};
class SoldierEB:Soldier{};
class SoldierGB:Soldier{};

class Air: AllVehicles {};
class Helicopter: Air {};
class Plane: Air {};
class SU25: Plane {};
class Mi17: Helicopter {};
class Mi24: Helicopter {};

class Desert_HIND: Mi24
	displayName="Mi24 DesertCamo";


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You can try opening such files with a web browser. It makes it easier to try different encodings to see if you can decipher it (typically found under View -> Encodings).

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I've tried everything without getting a good result. I've also noticed something strange, the addons that contain such a config.cpp, doesn't let me view the pac\paa files with texview ! This is really strange.

http://i44.tinypic.com/rcspaw.jpg (106 kB)

Edited by redstar90

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I've tried everything without getting a good result. I've also noticed something strange, the addons that contain such a config.cpp, doesn't let me view the pac\paa files with texview ! This is really strange.

http://i44.tinypic.com/rcspaw.jpg (106 kB)

It works for me, both in the pbo and de-pdo'ed.

Edited by Zulu1

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I don't know what's the problem. Could it be because of the config.cpp not working properly ?

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Obviously there's a problem with the file you downloaded. Did you try to DL it again, and to unzip/extract it with an up-to-date extractor ?

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Obviously there's a problem with the file you downloaded. Did you try to DL it again, and to unzip/extract it with an up-to-date extractor ?

I downloaded it more than 10 times with the same result. The other guys who tried to help on this thread downloaded it as well with no problems, so I believe that the problem is with my system. I tried to extract it with winrar, 7-zip and winzip with the same result. The config.cpp file is in gibberish and the pac\paa files are not working. The problem isn't just with this particular addon because I did come across the same issue with several other addons (like the North Korean Army pack and the PLA pack for example)

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I downloaded it more than 10 times with the same result. The other guys who tried to help on this thread downloaded it as well with no problems, so I believe that the problem is with my system. I tried to extract it with winrar, 7-zip and winzip with the same result. The config.cpp file is in gibberish and the pac\paa files are not working. The problem isn't just with this particular addon because I did come across the same issue with several other addons (like the North Korean Army pack and the PLA pack for example)

That's strange, i can read the config.cpp and textures files of this addon without any problem (i tried before making the previous post, just to be sure). Are you using some kind of file downloader ?

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Ok. I'm trying right now. I've also noticed something else. When I try to unpack it with Pbo patcher it doesn't unpack it 100%.

http://i42.tinypic.com/2rftx1u.jpg (199 kB)

I've also tried Pbo manager with the same result (regarding the config.cpp and the paa\pac files). What software are you using to unpack it ?

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YES !! FINALLY ! It worked using Pbox ! Thanks a lot and I also want to thank the other guys who tried to help on this thread. :)

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