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PBO conflicts?

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I have several pbo's I have created and they work when they are in separate mod folders, but when I just lump them all in the same folder, none of them work !! So instead of staring at the computer screen for an hour and mumbling to myself like some crazy person, I thought it would be faster to just ask. for 10 points and a gold star, can someone point me in the right direction?

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Since I'm also new to config editing, don't take my suggestion as 100% correct.

I think in each modfolder is only one config.cpp allowed, so you would need to merge those config.cpp together in one, using "include".

But as I said, this is only a speculation.

best regards


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Without see the configs, its hard to define whats causing the problem ..... but likely what you defined in 1 config is conflicting with another config

You can have any number of configs in a mod folder, but they can't overlap or contradict definitions.

And dependency can be an issue if you dont define which loads first and which one depends on another.

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