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About Kunsa

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  1. Kunsa


    Thanks for both of the replies. The event handler was exactly what i was looking for. :)
  2. been a while since i have played around with arma, and was trying to work out how and where you check when the mission has loaded. I want to run some code but only when a mission has been loaded from a savegame, not when the mission is started for the first time... thx in advance.
  3. Kunsa

    Make AI sprint

    I made a mod for myself back in arma2 that I inserted into the menu which made my grunts sprint. I had to silently move them into a new group,disableAI everything,never fire, set a waypoint, tell them to run there, rejoin the players group and then reenable it all at the end of the run so they wouldnt get caught up looking at something. (they used to do this kind of chicken dance when someone was shooting at them). It worked well when you just needed them to stop mucking around and just run.
  4. Hi all, Just getting back into arma 3 again hopefully will be patched once I get a bit more data allowance. I have been thinking of making an explosives panel for detonating individually placed mines etc. So i can reference the object when its placed but I was wondering if there is a way to search an area, collect a reference to all nearby mines in an array and then somehow find out who owns those mines and dynamically add them to my panel. I'm just not sure how I would find who owns what?! it probably a simple solution but I just thought asking would be faster... Any thoughts?
  5. Kunsa

    Wilhelm Scream

    Haha classic. +1
  6. This sounds great.. look forward to seeing where this goes. Would be nice if it could be used on ai as well.
  7. I had the same problem(with a quadbike). I thought the vehicle was supposed to lose its side status as soon as you dismount, but it seems not to. I just ended up hiding the vehicle, but I would like to know if theres a simple fix for this too.
  8. or maybe this will help.. setGroupIconsVisible [false,false];//[show markers on map, show markers on player hud]
  9. A bit late to join in but if you speed up the animation and if your using setvelocity you could make the animations look correct without having to change them. So i think its a viable method but only for specific uses like short burst extreme sprinting or such
  10. Kunsa

    save gear

    this might work.. player init or anywhere: nul = player addaction ["Save Loadout","saveLoadout.sqf"]; /* in Init.sqf */ globalRespawnLoadout = []; /* SaveLoadout.sqf */ //[target,caller,id,arg] (_this select 0) removeaction (_this select 2); hint "Loadout saved."; globalRespawnLoadout = [ uniform player, vest player, backpack player, headgear player, magazines player, weapons player, primaryWeaponItems player, secondaryWeaponItems player, handgunItems player, items player, assignedItems player, goggles player ]; /* onPlayerRespawn.sqf */ _new = _this select 0; _old = _this select 1; //check if gear saved and load it if (count globalRespawnLoadout > 0) then { removeAllAssignedItems _new; removeAllItems _new; removeAllWeapons _new; removeUniform _new; _new addUniform (globalRespawnLoadout select 0); removeVest _new; _new addVest (globalRespawnLoadout select 1); removeBackpack _new; _new addBackpack (globalRespawnLoadout select 2); removeHeadgear _new; _new addHeadgear (globalRespawnLoadout select 3); {_new addMagazine _x} forEach (globalRespawnLoadout select 4); {_new addWeapon _x} forEach (globalRespawnLoadout select 5); {_new addPrimaryWeaponItem _x} forEach (globalRespawnLoadout select 6); {_new addSecondaryWeaponItem _x} forEach (globalRespawnLoadout select 7); {_new addHandgunItem _x} forEach (globalRespawnLoadout select 8); {_new addItem _x} forEach (globalRespawnLoadout select 9); {_new addItem _x} forEach (globalRespawnLoadout select 10); {_new assignItem _x} forEach (globalRespawnLoadout select 10); removeGoggles _new; _new addgoggles (globalRespawnLoadout select 11); };
  11. even if we didn't get a ragdoll command (which would be difficult to transition out of), putting a fall down animation or a death animation back in, would be simple as they would have them on backup somewhere. thats where my vote would go.
  12. interesting.. I wonder if you could run through the entire road network once and using near roads, build an array of patches like a lookup table to tell broken segments where to go(as long as there is another road segment within a certain distance). then you would only need roadsConnectedTo making all subsequent calls faster. you could run that once and then copytoclipboard and copy it to a file to #include in your code (i wonder how big a file like that would be...and how many broken segments there are) I haven't looked at this yet. what sort of algorithm are you using? Is it using the corners of roads as nodes or are you using each road peice as a node? edit: I just had a look... very nice work. must have taken you a while
  13. when a unit dies, it changes side from whatever to civilian. not sure why. maybe to stop ai firing at it after its dead. that just means it is a bit trickier to check for dead opfor without a bit more complex check.. this just checks for anyone dead within the trigger area : {thistrigger distanceSqr _x < (2500)} count alldead > 0 ; just change the 2500 to whatever size you have set for your trigger area. the number is the square of trigger size ... i.e. size 50 = 50*50 = 2500. I havent tried it, but I wonder if you could join you civilians into a blufor group if that would change anything. for example: init.sqf: EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN, 0]; CIVILIAN setfriend [EAST, 0]; guerrillas = group this; //init on unit spawn then trigger onActivation: rebels = creategroup west; {_x setcaptive false} foreach units guerrillas; (units guerrillas) joinsilent rebels; deletegroup guerrillas; you wouldn't need to spawn the blufor team leader that way
  14. not sure what the answer is for the civs... I think once you set setcaptive true in front of some troops, even if you set it back, those troops dont recognize it(other troops you meet later on will fire on you) if your civs set setcaptive false and then fired on the opfor then opfor would attack the civs.. looking at the above, I didn't set the position in the above code... after testing it, I noticed there isnt a really good transition animation from this to death... but at least it works this time. you don't need to add an AI this time, just place a trigger, name it and insert the name into the code and then put it in the onAct field nul = [] spawn { private "_dyingGuy"; "b_soldier_f" createUnit [getPos NAMEOFYOURTRIGGER, creategroup WEST, "this setcaptive true; this setdamage 0.7;this switchMove ""acts_InjuredLookingRifle02""; _dyingGuy = this"]; _dyingGuy disableAI "MOVE"; waitUntil {player distance NAMEOFYOURTRIGGER < 5}; _dyingGuy lookAt player; sleep 2; _dyingGuy sidechat "*sputters*.. Its a Trap!"; sleep 2; _dyingGuy SwitchMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDb_death"; _dyingGuy setDir (getDir _dyingGuy +180) mod 360; _dyingGuy setDamage 1; };
  15. what ^ he said... or at the least enclose your statements inside a "nul = [] spawn {}" construct... some expressions expect code and some expect strings.. and some of them expect a filename. So I think your inline code is the problem.