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How to hide addons names in game editor?

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As I'm replacing more and more BIS models with some nice addons, I'm starting to have a real mess in game editor. So I'd like to ask if there is a way to hide all those "donor" addons names and have only default BIS visible?

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It is the scope attribute that determines how visible things are in the mission editor. If you want to go through with it you'll have a lot of text editing to do.

1. You could open every addon, copy the CfgModels (and CfgMaterials) section to your own mod Config, rename (to make inoperative) the addon's config and repack it. This would be most efficient on resources, but you wouldn't be able to play with your mod and the addon.

2. Or else open every addon and edit its config (having made a backup) to change "scope = public;" into "scope=protected;". 2 becomes 1, in other words. You'd be able to play missions that use the addon, but not edit them.

3. Most elegant would be to make yet another modfolder with an AddOns folder within it. Create you own addon (the name is unimportant) by merging all other addon configs into it - just the CfgVehicles sections and erase everything except the classnames and their scope attribute. Change the value as per 2.

Ensure this mod is loaded last by adding it to the end of your shortcut that runs OFP. Since the addons themselves aren't modified, they'll revert to normal behaviour when you don't run the mod.

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Thank you very much rageQuit for this in-depth reply. The 3rd method looks best indeed but I think I'll go with the 2nd (as this one is less time-consuming). BTW, as you mentioned loading order of modfolders, could you tell me please if mine is correct? It looks like this now:

D:\games\ofp\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE -nomap -nosplash -mod=@hisky;@misc;@ecp

Folder '@misc' is the one where I keep all addons that I need for model replacements. And I'm not sure whether it should be before or after '@ecp' folder?

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2. Or else open every addon and edit its config (having made a backup) to change "scope = public;" into "scope=protected;". 2 becomes 1, in other words. You'd be able to play missions that use the addon, but not edit them.

If you are only using models and textures you could simply remove the config.cpp or rename it like "config.bak". This will eliminate the addon completly.

Folder '@misc' is the one where I keep all addons that I need for model replacements. And I'm not sure whether it should be before or after '@ecp' folder?

Anything that has "Bin" or "DTA" folders need to load last. Keep in mind that if you have mutliple Bin or DTA folders the later will overwrite the preceeding one.

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I'm not so sure if removing config files is a good idea so I will only change the scope as rageQuite suggested. As for modfolders - looks like I have a proper load order (no 'Bin' or 'DTA' subfolders inside that '@misc' folder) - thanks Zulu for confirmation.

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