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TRACK ir alternative using GALAXY S4 or other mobile

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hey guys

i was wondering how to use my mobile as a cheap track ir to play ARMA 3 i know its possible to do this with a webcam and apparently spose to be quite effective heres a link if you click gallery you can see a video in arma 3 doing just that http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/home/default.htm

but has anyone had any experience using a there mobile or (galaxy S4) as a webcam ? if so how did you set it it up for gaming ?

this does seem a really good idea as an alternative if you cant afford the luxury of trackir at silly money

your thoughts and suggestions please or if you know of another alternative to trackir please do tell

Edited by SASsnipey

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There is this one also. Believe it supports Patricks FreeTrack from within. A few others also. Is fairly modular in design so might have other useful things.

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FreeTrackNoIR is a pretty nice program...I helped test it a bit back in the day. It only really works well if you have a high-framerate webcam, like a PS Eye or something. If you are using a standard 30 FPS webcam it's going to be really choppy, but that's going to be the same deal with any sort of tracking via webcam.

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