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mikie boy

BIS_fnc_MP executing for a specific client

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Sorry chaps been a while since any real MP scripting in last 6 months, and thus on attempting to piss around with BIS_fnc_MP I cannot get a file to be executed for a specific player/client

checked the BIS_fnc_MP wiki - mentioned something about id as part of the available parameters - "Number - function will be executed only on client with the given ID"

firstly what is the id? uid or netid? if its either i have tried both with no joy.


if (isserver) then {
//load of code

_net = netid _resel;
[[],"gui\secopscallmenu.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",_net,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;


_resel is a player picked out of an array -

back in A2 -

[nil,_resel,"loc",rEXECVM,"gui\secopscallmenu.sqf"] call re;

- worked no problem

and the one file would be called for that specific player - now i have no idea, and what i have ready have had no luck with

if its netid - must admit not familiar with it and would appreciate a point in the right direction

Any help would be appreciated.

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Try changing _net to _resel in the bis_fnc_mp line :). It can take a target parameter

---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------


If not, use the owner command

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Have you tried simply:

[[],"gui\secopscallmenu.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",_resel,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

Edit: Dammit, can't read.

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_clientID = owner _resel

_uid = getplayeruid _resel;

_net = netid _resel;

//Ensure only the GUI gets called for selected Player from Array

[[],"gui\secopscallmenu.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",_clientID,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

alas neither idea work - appreciate it though - thought the owner would have done it unless its not in the correct place

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[b][[color="#FF0000"] [ [], "gui/secopscallmenu.sqf" ][/color],[color="#DAA520"] "BIS_fnc_execVM",[/color][color="#008000"] _resel[/color], false ] call[color="#008000"] BIS_fnc_MP[/color];[/b]

BIS_fnc_execVM is sent one array of [ args, function ].

BIS_fnc_execVM is run by BIS_fnc_MP where _resel is local.

Edited by Larrow

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The owner method will work, or you can pass the unit object its self. Note that owner only works for the dedicated server, if it is executed on the client 0 is returned (which is the server).

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unfortunately - neither

[ [ [], "gui/secopscallmenu.sqf" ], "BIS_fnc_execVM", [color="#FF0000"]_resel[/color], false ] call BIS_fnc_MP;


 [ [ [], "gui/secopscallmenu.sqf" ], "BIS_fnc_execVM", [color="#FF0000"]_clientID[/color], false ] call BIS_fnc_MP;

seem to work

not sure if its something else -

basically - for testing purposes i tried this


if (isserver) then

execvm "file2.sqf";



PVHint = "hello"; publicvariable "PVHint";
hint "hello locally";
sleep 2;
execvm "file2.sqf";


PVHint = "hello file three public"; publicvariable "PVHint";
hint "hello file 3.sqf";

sleep 2;

for some reason - file one calls file two -which hints - however file three is never called - even for server?

Any suggestions?

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[ [ [], "gui/secopscallmenu.sqf" ], "BIS_fnc_execVM", _resel, false ] call BIS_fnc_MP;

should work... except it should be

[ [ [], "gui\secopscallmenu.sqf" ], "BIS_fnc_execVM", _resel, false ] call BIS_fnc_MP;

Also you probably don't need to pass arguments if they're an empty array.

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@black mamba - many thanks dude - what a dick i am not seeing that forward slash!!!!!!!

may thanks to the rest of you for the assistance

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