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How to break a loiter waypoint to make helicopter land?

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I made some waypoints for a helicopter with a final loiter waypoint. Now i would like to trigger it to break the loiter waypoint after once/present to land on a invisible helipad. I dont`t know how. Any ideas?

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You should be able to use a trigger with a switch.

Type: switch

Edited by cobra4v320

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Helicopter named Heli1. Use in Trigger On Act:

dostop Heli1; Heli1 land "land";

Edited by Goblin

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Ive got a simular question if thats ok. I want a gun ship to fly with a transport chopper but when they get to the lz i want the gunship to fly around the lz (loiter) while the transport chopper lands & does his thing. Only when the transport chopper leaves do i want the gunship to follow the other chopper. Is this possible & if so could someone show me please?

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Ive got a simular question if thats ok. I want a gun ship to fly with a transport chopper but when they get to the lz i want the gunship to fly around the lz (loiter) while the transport chopper lands & does his thing. Only when the transport chopper leaves do i want the gunship to follow the other chopper. Is this possible & if so could someone show me please?

Hi Pipyn, I recently did something very similar to this and it turns out that it's a bit of a pain, but it is possible to do. I described some of the issues with it in feedback report 16443 at feedback[dot]arma3[dot]com (argh, can't post the link directly), but I'll try to describe how to make it work.

Initial setup

1. Create your helicopters as separate groups (that is, make sure they are NOT linked in the editor)

2. In each helo's init portion, assign that helo's group to a variable (e.g. escortHeloGroup1 = group escortHelo1; )

3. In the transport helo's init, also have it load the troops

4. Create some markers on the map, they're going to be used to create waypoints dynamically so you can just make them invisible


1. In init.sqf, join your escort helo's to the primary helo group ([escortHelo1] joinSilent transportHeloGroup) - this way the escorts can follow the transport in

2. Use a trigger or waypoint activation script (or whatever logic) to re-assign the escort helos' to their original groups (e.g. [escortHelo1] joinSilent escortHeloGroup1) when the escorts should split off

3. Use addWaypoint to dynamically add some LOITER or SAD (or whatever) waypoints are needed for your escort helos - this is why I created the markers, since then it's easy to add waypoints for the escorts

4. After your TR UNLOAD fires and your troops unload, you should be able to join the helos together however you want. Note that TR UNLOAD can be very tricky to make work correctly, _particularly_ if your transport is under fire. In this case you really have to use the CARELESS combat mode for the transport so that it ignores the fact that it's taking fire.

In my feedback I have a sample mission that shows some broken behavior with TR UNLOAD and/or waypoint synchronization with dynamically created groups, which is why there's some convoluted setup in order to make this work. If my description of how to get it to do what you want isn't enough, let me know and I can provide my "messing around" mission that has it all working. In that script, I have 2 transports and an escort. The transports split and fly to different LZs and the escort provides area security. The helo's remain in the area on Search and Destroy waypoints.

I'm not sure what the etiquette is for linking to missions and what-not, so I'll PM you with it if you want to check it out.

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