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Major Fubar

Miniguns & choppers

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OK, I'm hoping you chopper experts can help:

a.) Which choppers aree the most appropriate to have miniguns in the OFP setting?

b.) Is there a Soviet equivalent to the minigun?

c.) Do any choppers carry miniguns on door mounts IRL (Like in the Matrix), or are they all chin mounts?

d.) How many variants are there of the minigun (rotary gun/cannon). I know of 5.56mm, 7.62mm & 20mm...any others? (I think I have seen a 3 barrelled .50 in the past in a military book, but I'm not 100%).

Thanks. smile.gif

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I used to fly scout ships for the US Army.

I've seen 7.62 (and 20mm 3 barrel) six barrel mini-guns in the chins of Cobras, and once, in pictures a 7/62 mounted on a flex mount on a UH-1H in Vietnam. I don't know if that type of mounting was ever incorporated though. It seems unlikely due to the logistics of supplying belted rounds and the electrical motor drives. Not to mention it's freakin' heavy!

However, Hueys did (and do) carry the door mounted 5.56mm mini gun. They are also mounted in the doors of Blackhawks and CH47 Chinooks. They are mounted in a similar fashion as the M60 on a swivel mount.

Don't know about the Soviets, but there is one additional type I do know about. Thats the 30mm carried in the nose of A10 Warthogs.

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there is a version of the hind.... i think its the hind-f which is equiped with a minigun.... mi-24p-watson-prev.jpg

and the mi-8/17 can be equiped with door mounted weapons too... im sure it is possible to install miniguns on it... and for the americans...there are several gunship versions of the huey... the uh1-c/m and h....and i think its possible to install door mounted minguns on the ch46 too

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the hind D and E use a 12.7 4 barrels rotative machine guns like the on one the pic or 2 23mm guns in the nose turret

the m134 minigun can be door mounted on almost every american utility helicopter although they're mostly euipped with m60's



the m134 minigun can be mounted as fix weapon on H6 and H1 helicopter series

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I think I saw one of those in a Chuck Norris movie...or maybe it was an episode of Renegade  tounge.gif

With the new weapon animations available, i really hope someone makes some of these for OFP...













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you pulverised the picture limt by post smile.gif

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maybe BIS will do it in their next patch... they added the function of rotation miniguns in resistance

they allready added it to the cobra

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I love miniguns. I want one in a fixed emplacement on the ground so I can easily spray away a whole bucket load of enemies smile.gif

Just get one from a helicopter, put it on a heavy bipod and fire away!(better make sure to take a few thousand rounds of ammo biggrin.gif )

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (B@ZOOkA @ Aug. 26 2002,17:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">they allready added it to the cobra<span id='postcolor'>

Badass, hadnt noticed that

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The minigun on the Cobra G is great! Sounds excellant and is great for mowing down the enemy.

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