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Installing mods on a rented server via TCAdmin

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Its been a while for me so could some one let me know how to install mods server side please.

I have various options to set the command line and that is where I am stuck


If some one could help me please I would be grateful.

In the pas t I have done config = server.cfg and -mod=@jsrs2.0;@tacops etc the server is not showing in the server list.

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Do those paths not auto fill when checked? unless you want to specify others?

When i used this with Vilayer hosting, sure i just had to check want i wanted and then just check the -mod and add in my list of mods.

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Ours don't auto fill but here's what they look like:

-mod = expansion;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_USNavy;@JayArma2Lib;@ACRE

-profiles = C:\TCAFiles\Users\username\serviceID

-name = whatever

-cfg = basic.cfg // this is the bandwidth config file

-config = server.cfg // this is the server settings config file

-BEpath = C:\TCAFiles\Users\username\serviceID\Expansion

you might have to check your .rpt file (in root of game dir) to see what error is being generated

you can also try putting full paths to files (ie: for server config put C:\TCAFiles\Users\username\serviceID\server.cfg)

edit: oops realized I'm posting in Arma 3 section.. but same should still apply

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Thanks bud I think I've got it going now :)...this is what happens when you go from ArmA 2 to BF3 to planetside 2 back to arma 3 lol

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Server will "not show up" on the list if your config file is broken or not found (because it will not read the correct server name, and instead show up according to the computer name of the server, so it actually does show, just with the wrong name).

If you filter out passworded servers and your config file sets a password, that will also prevent the server from showing :)

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I have the same problem. I need to install CBA, STHUD and ACRE (through vilayer ACP) but I cannot really understand what I hav to do. I uploaded the mods on the server but cannot play in any case.

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Hi there, I have a question regarding TCAdmin whitch has to do with Commandline Manager, but not nesscicerally as the thread title suggests, but do bare with me :)

I have a TVAdmin account with an ISP for a game, I asked them to enable Commandline Manager, which they did, however though I can create a new Commandline entry, I can give it a title but not actually add any settings to it.

I told them about the issue but strangely enough they don't know why it's not working, I wondered if anyone here could give me some suggestions to what the ISP would have to enable their side for me to be able add things like +set exec... etc..

Edited by everythingisnothing

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The various command line options for Arma 3 have to be setup by the provider - it sounds like they've added the ability to access the cmd line manager however have no options for you to choose from. They need to go into the settings for Arma 3 game in TCAdmin under Commandlines tab, configure the default and custom command lines section then under Variables add the various options.


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Thanks for the information... The game I'm hosting for is Quake 3 Arena, I informed them that they would need to allow my account to access such features in command line manager where they said attempted to do so but noticed that feature wasn't working, they believe it's an error with TCAdmin and said hopefully a future update will fix the problem, until then I can supply them with command line I want and they'll enter it.

Not sure if this is true or not, but oh well atleast I can get it changed if need be... lol.


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