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Editing a Mission?

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Hello, I found a mission via the Steam Workshop that I wish to edit to my SP liking. Basically I just want to remove almost all the vehicles that spawn in on the start.

How do I go about opening and editing one of these mission pbo's?

Thank You.

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Hello, you will need a tool to extract the pbo file:


just install, after, right click and extract the file, once its extracted you should have a folder with the same name as the mission.

From there you will need to move the mission to your mission folder for the editor, this folder should be under

C:\Documents and settings\username\my documents\Arma3\missions

Im guessing this where the folder will be (i dont own Arma3) but that address is what it is for me for the editor for arma2CO.

Also note, that spawn from the start will be controlled probably by a script, suggest going in the editor first and seeing what the setup is

then look at the files and scripts and look for anything about spawn, start with the Description.ext

hope that helps.

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I think he wants to find the missions that are hosted by Steam.


The answer is not going to be the same for everybody.

I wanted to know the same thing and I'm hoping mission makers will have not only STEAM version, but downloadable version as well, like what Armaholic provides.

Go To:

Program Files--->Steam--->userdata--->..............then you'll find a folder with 8 digit number. Mine was "87892404".....then open ugc

Then you'll see a bunch of folders with 8 digit numbers. I think one folder for each mission you subscribed to.

So, Program Files--->Steam--->userdata--->########(folder)--->ugc--->########(mission folders)

If you find a different way, please post it for all of us to know as well.

Don't forget the SEARCH button.

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I think he wants to find the missions that are hosted by Steam.

Kommiekat as he said "Hello, I found a mission via the Steam Workshop that I wish to edit to my SP liking."

He wants to edit a mission he found on the workshop, as he says in his first post "How do I go about opening and editing one of these mission pbo's?"

So hes got his answer for opening the pbo, now he needs to determine how the spawning works, and then change it.

If he has further questions, i'm sure he will ask.

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Ah, I see.......well, how did he find them in the first place, because that seems to be a problem in itself....I hope he comes back with that answer.....

I'm having a hard time of it.............I need to do the same as him:

UnPBO missions and dissect them for learning purposes.

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No no, sorry, I made myself misunderstood.

I have ELITENESS and have used it alot.

The deal is, finding those Subcribed Steam missions in the first place.

Once you subscribe to a mission, it's downloaded to your PC but.......where?

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Subscribed missions? Gees :j: next all the mods will be on steam and then we'll have another fiasco about it, probably already being done,

when i get Arma3 I will stick with Foxhound and gang aka Armaholic ;)

Not fond of anything "automatic" I prefer knowing where stuff is as thats where "I" put it.

But then too the question arises is there not a save dialog or something that gives you the option of where you want the mission?

probably not, would be a nice feature no?

then no one would have the issue where you need to ask everyone else where this stuff is being saved at.

Can someone link this workshop so i can see what everyone is talking about, this way i can better help the community where needed.

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Here's a link for bardosy's "Chesty Puller" mission he just uploaded:


Try that.

Now, as you said about it being another fiasco, you're right. I too don't like the idea of not putting things where "I" want them to be, or at the least, if they are automatic, I know where they went.

With this subscriber method, it's just not standardized for everybody. Files are put all over the place.

But to be fair, for mission makers and players, missions are auto updated, so no need to re-download them.

I'm sure it will be the same for MODs and you know how frequent they are updated. Quite a bit in most cases.

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