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Make sure that every enemy is dead in a mission?

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Hi again!

I got a "simple" question about the Editor in ARMA 3.

First i searched in the forum but i didn't saw anything that i could use.

Because English isn't my first language so IF there is already a thread where my problem is explained a Link to that thread would help me also :-)

As i wrote in my first post I'm new in ARMA never played it before (Counter Strike was my last "Shooting" Game if you want to call it like that ;-)

My question is :

I got a simple Mission :

I am the Leader of a Squad and i have 3 groups of enemy's in a sector (village)

2x Rifle Squad and 1x Fire Team

So now i can make a trigger which fires when in the trigger zone all enemy's are gone.

Problem is : i have to make the trigger big like hell because the AI is of course hiding/going into cover or even running away (the mission if for learning ARMA 3 Editor and Scripting i would do the same when I'm alone and a tank is rolling into my direction ;-)

Is there a possibility to make sure that the WHOLE area is clear?

I mean that EVERY enemy is dead?

Not hiding outside of the trigger zone but dead?

I saw something like

!alive enemysoldier

Do i have to name every single enemy soldier or can is "group" them?

I've tried also in the trigger : !alive enemy1; !alive enemy2; etc etc etc

Got an error

How do you proceed to make sure that the enemy's are dead?

Thank you in advance!


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You can make the trigger area bigger or check with:

!alive Name1 && !alive name2 && !alive name3

and so on..



PS: Och en Lux? :P

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Ah many thanks :-)

Didn't knew about the && symbols :-)

Yes och en Lux :P


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The easiest way is to count the number of alive units on a given side. Let's say you're playing blufor, and your enemies are Opfor.

Condition of your trigger is this:

{alive _x; side _x == east} count allunits == 0;

Just replace east by west if your enemies are Blufor, for example.

in which case, the size of your trigger is of no importance, and you can have it at 0, 0.

Edited by BlackMamb

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Nope. Nope. Nope!

Having a big trigger is not bad per se, but in such a case, it'd be bad practice.

Plus, it stills needs you to name evey single unit. Which means, you decide to remove that squad here, add another one there, and replace this one by another and you're good for 10 minutes of naming stuff in the editor. Not so fun, is it.

That one line I gave above, used as your condition, allows to have onz trigger, whatever its size (ideally the smaller the better, so 0x0 would be the best), to check the number of alive units on one side. When that number reaches 0, it fires.

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Ah now my mission is working :)

Thanks everyone :)

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