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Cold Evil

Need help with respawning custom equipment

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I need help with equipment weapons and items so they respawn after you have died. I have tried the following methods:

Unit Init line:

player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this execVM "squadleader.sqf"}];

Unit Init line:

this addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this execVM " squadleader.sqf"}];

Unit Init line:

if(local this) then {
removeallweapons this;
removeheadgear this;
removevest this;
removebackpack this;
removeUniform this;
this unassignItem "NVGoggles";
this removeItem "NVGoggles";
this adduniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
this addVest "V_PlateCarrier2_rgr";
// ETC…

The init.sqf file:

waitUntil {!isNull player};
waitUntil {player == player};

if(typeOf player == "B_officer_F") then {
removeallweapons player;
removeheadgear player;
removevest player;
removebackpack player;
removeUniform player;
player unassignItem "ItemRadio";
// etc…

How do I do it?

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Simply give this a go - it is much easier than scripting a system. If you have a loadout at spawn then you can script the save loadout instead of having an ammo box with an action to select save.

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I have a heavily restricted VAS on the mission. So if you die i don't what people run around with enemy weapons.

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try this in the Unit Init line:

null = [this] execVM "squadleader.sqf";

this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'squadleader.sqf'"];

And this in the sqf:


waitUntil {!isNull player};

_unit = _this select 0;

//_Remove Items

removeallassigneditems _unit;

removeallcontainers _unit;

removeallweapons _unit;


_unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";

_unit addvest "V_PlateCarrier2_rgr";


_unit addweapon "itemcompass";

_unit addweapon "itemmap";

_unit addweapon "itemwatch";


_unit addweapon "arifle_MX_F";

_unit addweapon "hgun_P07_snds_F";

_unit addmagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 4];

Edited by Thor632

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It did not seam to do anything... It did not change anything for me.


waitUntil {!isNull player};
_unit = __unit select 0;

removeallweapons _unit;
removeheadgear _unit;
removevest _unit;
removebackpack _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
_unit unassignItem "ItemRadio";
_unit removeItem "ItemRadio";
_unit unassignItem "NVGoggles";
_unit removeItem "NVGoggles";
_unit adduniform "U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls";
_unit addVest "V_TacVest_oli";
_unit addHeadgear "H_PilotHelmetHeli_B";
_unit addMagazine ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 16];
_unit addMagazine ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 16];
_unit addMagazine ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 16];
_unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellBlue", 30];
_unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellBlue", 30];
_unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellBlue", 30];
_unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellGreen", 30];
_unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellGreen", 30];
_unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellGreen", 30];
_unit addWeapon "hgun_P07_F";

Unit init:

null = [this] execVM "EquipmentHeliPilot.sqf";
this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'EquipmentHeliPilot.sqf'"];


Never mind!!!

I see my error... When i replaced "this" to "_unit" with i forgot to change "__unit" to "_this". The script seams to work thx!

Edited by Cold Evil

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