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DayZ/ArmaII Modelling

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Hello guys

I've recently made a model for armaII/DayZ, however a concern that I have is it possible for armaII to support 2048x2048 texture maps? I wanted to have all the textures on the same file, hence why I've got it at 2048x2048


Edited by IAshford

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Sure can, in fact 2048x2048 is the standard size for most things and with multiple textures of that size on one entity. You can even go to an extreme of 4096x4096.

One to note though is that ARma 2 uses something called sections..not sure what it does exactly but if you have two different textures joined at a UV then you add an extra selection. If you have the same texture but a different material on one spot and those vertices are welded, that is another section. The gist is to get as low of a section count as possible, you'll see how many you have in Oxygen.

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It can support up to 4096 but texture quality is affected dramatically by mipmapping if you use huge maps. People who don't use maximum video ram / texture settings will never see a full 4096. They will only ever see a filtered, downsized texture. This means you lose a lot of high frequency detail that such a large map is able to give you. Consequently, if you don't have enough mid frequency detail in your maps, your texture will end up looking flat, and a texture maps painted at 1024 will look much better than a 4096 or a 2048 mipmapped down to 1024, for instance.

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