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To all yee nay sayers..

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Might I point you to the ArmA2 forums just after it's release. It almost seems as if a lot of the complaints in here are simply a copy/paste.

Maybe I'm not annal enough :p to care if the hatch on a tank is in the wrong place but all in all , the improvements in game play immersion make me want to keep playing. New sounds , new voices and..best of all..new particle graphics (no more paint ball bullet impacts).

I'm sure it's all uphill from here with major improvements and added content to come.

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I'm sure it's all uphill from here with major improvements and added content to come.

Nice to see some positive attitude on the forum.

A3 is just a toddler, it needs some care and time to grow up.

If someone truly and absolutely disagrees, maybe the game is not for them. Arma games do require that you have some patience.

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It almost seems as if a lot of the complaints in here are simply a copy/paste.

How appropriate.

Edited by clydefrog

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I can't help but be in the middle of the tracks on this one. I don't like how there are absolutely no official scenarios and there is no campaign on launch. I also don't think there is enough content. But all the new aspects in the game level out the scale.

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But there are official scenarios. Just that they are called "showcases" now.

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But there are official scenarios. Just that they are called "showcases" now.

They are not scenarios. The "Showcases" do exactly as they are named, they showcase features in the game, acting as tutorials.

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They are kind of buggy too (at least the tanks and gunship showcases I played). Then again, remember how awful and buggy Harvest Red was in the earlier Arma 2 releases? Ahhhhhh .... those were the days. Days of effort only to be thwarted by a glitch, freezeup or crash. For those who say "Why can't we have campaigns and content like Arma 2 did?", be careful what ye ask for.

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They are kind of buggy too (at least the tanks and gunship showcases I played). Then again, remember how awful and buggy Harvest Red was in the earlier Arma 2 releases? Ahhhhhh .... those were the days. For those who say "Why can't we have campaigns and content like Arma 2 did?", be careful what ye ask for.

Exactly. Let's wait for a bug free entertaining campaign, rather than a rushed one.

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Hello BeerHunter125 and welcome to the forums! Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the forum rules. The forum rules unfortunately do not allow for multiple duplicate topics, this one will be closed

If you wish to address particular issues people have, why not do it in the threads it was posted in? Thank you very much! :)

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