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National mod's

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Going back to the Malivnas mod, from the argentinian POV, i was looking at the website and a few things worried me... It seems terribly terribly anti British, and i dont think that should get in the way of a potentially good mod. Examples:

"At least", expounded Ramon to his comrades, "now we can show to Brits that we will never stop reclaiming our steeled lands. What an assholes." from more than 100 years.

And this next piece, which seems quite irrelevent to the mod, and almost seems like its a direct "pop" at Brits.

Knowing these Carlo M remarks "The 'gringos' has the advantage in technology, but I remember that in 1806/1807, when the English Army was the most powerful in the world, during the English invasion to our lands we beat them with stones and hot oil thrown from the buildings... this may happen again, uh? And if we loose, they will remember us for ever... they will not come to have a vacation, fucking assholes!!"

I dont know, maybe its bad translation or maybe im being a tad sensitive because im a Brit, but i dont think that kind of think is necessary in a mod.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KingBeast @ Aug. 19 2002,21:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Going back to the Malivnas mod, from the argentinian POV, i was looking at the website and a few things worried me... It seems terribly terribly anti British, and i dont think that should get in the way of a potentially good mod. Examples:



And this next piece, which seems quite irrelevent to the mod, and almost seems like its a direct "pop" at Brits.

I dont know, maybe its bad translation or maybe im being a tad sensitive because im a Brit, but i dont think that kind of think is necessary in a mod.<span id='postcolor'>

No no no Kingbeast, you've mistranslated it!

"At least", expounded Ramon to his comrades, "now we can show to Burgers that we will never stop reclaiming our steer cattle. What, an asshole?." I've not seen one for more than 100 years.

Knowing these Carlo M remarks "The 'burritos' have the spicy advantage in technology, but I remember that in 1806/1807, when the Chalupa Army was the most powerful in the world, during the Chalupian invasion to our lands we beat them with refried beans and hot tabasco thrown from the buildings... this may happen again, uh? And if we loose, they will remember us for ever... they will not come to have a vacation, fucking tacos!"

So as you can see, its a mod with an anti-Mexican food message.   tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkLight @ Aug. 19 2002,20:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Damn, spiderman is soooo irritating...<span id='postcolor'>

If you think my spiderman is irritating then turn on your sound and watch this

My brainwash-site  tounge.gif

BTW: I think it is fully inapropriate to use insultive language in a Mod. Since many of mod-makers have nearly the same quality as professional programmers they should also respect the same unwritten laws. I guess this is one precondition for having an editor delivered together with the game.

I would pretty much freak out if there would be a mod in which modern german soldiers are being insulted as Nazis. I know that there is a difference between this example and your example above (spicy) but the message is clearly anti-british!

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lmao Aaron, you sure know how to make a serious face collapse into laughter lol biggrin.gif

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If that is the fealing in Agentina, and if that would be the soldiers saying that... I dont think its inappropriate.

The same thing as "damn rusky" in the OFP campaign.

Im sure these guys have nothing against Engalnd in general.

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I can understand the whoel "bastard brit" or bastard argie" etc, but what relevance has the "Oh i remember blah blah?"

If I made a modern mod with Germany vs America or something silly i wouldnt put in little comments like "Oh remember last time those Nazis went to war and commited those atrocities? Let us righteously destroy them and never let that happen again!"

But hmm i guess you are right. Im over-reacting a tad

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Not that I ever start flamebait or ever get nasty with anyone but I must digress :

The Argentinians launched a war of aggression, which they lost. My Ex GF's father was killed in that conflict, aboard the HMS Ardent, for which he received a posthumous DSC.

So fuck your little 3rd world country, who's economy is in the shitter, and stop trying to aspire to something which you'll never achieve, which is a friendly likeable people. Your arrogance and lack of historical knowledge knows no bounds.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Col. Kurtz @ Aug. 20 2002,09:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The smiley monkey talks<span id='postcolor'>

Will wonders never cease?

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To KingBeast:

On behalf of the Malvinas developers team i must apologize with all of you guys. The guy who wrote the translation got carried away by his personal feelings and did a terrible job. As one of the team leaders it's my duty to state that what he wrote does not, in any way reflect the team's opinion.

I apologise for not checking the translation. This will be corrected immediately, anyway, here's the correction for you to see

The spanish site says

"Por fin" comentaba Ramon entre sus pares, "podremos demostrarles a los britanicos que no vamos a dejar de reclamar nuestras tierras ... robadas por ellos" hacia ya mas de 100 ańos.

and this is the correct translation

"Finally", Ramon said to his comrades," we will be able to show the British that we won't cease to claim our lands...stolen by them over 100 years ago

And the other part was

Sabiendo esto Carlos M comentaba "Los gringos nos superan ampliamente en tecnologia pero recuerdo, que en 1806/1807 en las invasiones de sus tropas a nuestras tierras los sacamos con piedras y aceite caliente, teniendo ellos en esa epoca el ejercito mas poderoso del mundo .... por qué ahora no puede pasar lo mismo? Y sino ganamos, nos van a recordar para siempre ... no van a venir de vacaciones"

which means

Knowing this, Carlos M said " The gringos are technologically more advanced, but i remember that in 1806/7 when their troops invades us, we repelled them with stones and hot oil thrown from the buildings, and at that time they were the most powerful army in the world...why can't the same thing happen now? And even if we don't win, tey'll remember us forever...they are not coming here on holiday"

You should understand that this quotes reflect the way the soldiers felt at that time and how the encouraged each other to face battles. Since the campaign is settled from an Argentinean point of view, we thought that actual soldiers' quotes would give a realistic touch. The quotes, even correctly translated, may sound a bit offensive, but keep in mind that those guys were just trying to make sense of the war they were forced to take part in.

To Badgerboy:

We understand your rage, but don't generalize as some of us lost friends and fathers there too. Just because one guy insulted your people it doesn't mean we agree with him. Don't follow this guy's example by insulting our whole country, and please don't mistake our soldiers' pride with arrogance.

See you arround.

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Very honourable of you CapMorgan, I think that the changes you have made though minor, make the whole thing a lot more respectable.

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I think I must apologise for the way I presented that. It was 4am, I was very drunk, plus feeling slighty patriotic.

Its a touchy subject for myself, so I'll try to refrain from nasty comments.

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IT would be good to know which of all those Mods are actually runing or at least have a demo published!

And why the hell is OFP-editing center broken down? Any alternative available?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ Aug. 20 2002,21:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think I must apologise for the way I presented that. It was 4am, I was very drunk, plus feeling slighty patriotic.

Its a touchy subject for myself, so I'll try to refrain from nasty comments.<span id='postcolor'>

yes.... i know it ...the drugs... and the alcohol....

the youth of today is getting worse and worse

.... when i was at the western front in '44.... we reloaded and shot and reloaded and shot... in the end we stopped reloading and just shot all the time biggrin.giftounge.gif

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Regarding Canadian Armed Forces Addons...

As for canadian armed forces mods, I've been working on one for a while now. Or I should say, separate addons that may or may not form a mod.

I will check out the links for those c7's and c8's from the DDAM mod, but they'll have to be top notch if I'm going to accept them. I modified ... err... somebody's M16A1 with the grenade launcher and turned it into a C7A1... without the grenade launcher (I screwed up the launcher code, though it's still there... I'll get it working... hell, I'm probably ahead of the CF in implementing and testing the grenade launcher modification)

But like I was saying... all canadian rifles and light machine guns have scopes... that's SOP in the infantry, I know it well because I was in the infantry. I just hope the DDAM mod has implemented this.

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Ooh, I hate to reply to my own post, but they are fairly top notch. I might think of using the DDAM C7, since it incorporates at least the scope reticle, if not the visual presence of a scope... the only thing I'd change for the canadian version would be the removal of the burst fire... as I remember it there were three settings... safe... semi... auto.. we were taught to fire in short controlled bursts, cause otherwise we'd run out of ammo, and if the enemy didn't kick our ass, our sergeants would.

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