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Hello I am having a problem with TexView2. Everytime I try to open a .paa file I get an error saying it cant be loaded. I cant find any fixes online does anyone know whas wrong?

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I am not sure. I think so though. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. And at the moment it doesnt at all

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Don't know if this helps for you.

But i had this problem and when ever i loaded a 512x512 it seemed to work

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Working image-types are .paa and .jpg

.paa can handle transparency but is big in size

.jpg cannot handle transparency but will achieve good tradeoff between size and quality.

For ArmA2 textures / images generally applies:

- aspect ratio should be 2:1 or 1:1

- pixel resolution should be a number divisible by 2

- currently supported max resolution is 2048 x 2048 afaik

Good pixel resolutions for Loadscreens would be:

2048 x 1024

1024 x 512

512 x 256

Creating a paa from a jpg file:

You can create paa file from a jpg either through photoshop or even gimp2.

1.Convert the jpg to tga using gimp2, or photoshop, or another program turn compression off.

2. With textview2 convert the tga to paa by saving as all files.

3. Type the .paa extension at the end of the name or title of the pic, from there save and you should have your paa.

Hope that helps.

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