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Waypoints appear on the map with addWaypoint

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Hello, I've a question:

I don't know if someone of you have noticed, but with the use of the 'addWaypoint' command, the waypoint then appear on the map, with circles and lines. It's obviously an error/problem. Does someone have found a solution?

Thank you!

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What difficulty level are you playing in? That controls when you see that stuff on the map.

Also why are you giving players waypoints? :) We're not AI, we can think for ourselves. Briefing + tasks + markers is all we should need. Waypoints are to tell AI which can't think for themselves where to go and what to do.

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No, sometimes, I need waypoint, for AI teams, or for my team for example for asking to dismount. And it has nothing to do with the difficulty I think, because these waypoints only appear when using the addWaypoint command... So, any idea :)?

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Just reproduced it in regular and elite: they don't appear on elite.

So it's related to the difficulty, although it still seems to be a bug, as it doesn't happen with editor-placed waypoints.

I'd suggest writing down some good repro steps and opening a tiket on the feedback tracker, papy.rabbit.

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Any news about this bug? Scripted wayoints appear on the map, with lines of paths, when player dies/switches/respawns, even in SP / preview.

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