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CPU for Arma3

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Soo, reopening this thread a bit :)

After long research i somehow think the i7 4770k for around 300€ is the better choice for ArmA3.

For now im in favor of buying following new:

- i7 4770k 300€

- Asrock Z87 Extreme 4 110€

- Corsair Hydro Series H100i watercooling 100€

to my consisting:

nvidia GTX 670 2GB

8GB 1600mhz RAM

Only thoughts i still have about the haswell thingy, they say its getting way hotter then i5 thingies. But i want to get the absolut best FPS for ArmA3 at a still quite affordable price.

Sooo as i still somehow also consider the i5 3570k also and overclock it to hell, i wonder from which thingy i would be able to get more MHZ and therefor more FPS for ArmA out?

the 100€ more for the 4770k doesnt bother me much if i gain at least a little bit more fps out of it.

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You're better off going for an i5, I can't see the hyperthreading being worth the addition cost. If money really is no object, go for it i guess.

If you're overclocking you'll have to disable HT to get the highest clock rate anyway.

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I'd do this if I were you:

- buy i5-4670k or i5-3570k instead of i7 (if the PC is especially dedicated to A3, but if you play other games like BF a lot too, i7 could be the best choice then)

- sell your 8GB 1600 MHz RAM

- replace that RAM with fast RAM, eg. 8GB 2133 MHz RAM, as the RAM clocks have been proven to be significant factor in A3 ingame FPS (see http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?166512-Arma-3-CPU-vs-RAM-performance-comparison-1600-2133-up-to-15-FPS-gain)

- OC the hell out of your CPU :cool:

- enjoy superb FPS (till you join some poorly maintained server lol)

I assume that you have the game (and OS) installed on SSD already, but if not, buy at least 128GB SSD too.

Edited by Ezcoo

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- sell your 8GB 1600 MHz RAM

- replace that RAM with fast RAM, eg. 8GB 2133 MHz RAM, as the RAM clocks have been proven to be significant factor in A3 ingame FPS

Do you have a link to this? i'm rather interested.

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yeah dasa´s thread was a nice find. I sold my 1600er, bought 2400er Patriots and overclocked it to 2666 with cl10 1t to get extra fps.

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My 2500k is running at 4.8 Ghz on air. Haven't needed to change this cpu in the 2 years I have had it, and I doubt I will in the next two. In the same period I have gone from a 1.5GB gtx580 to a 4GB gtx 680

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yeah dasa´s thread was a nice find. I sold my 1600er, bought 2400er Patriots and overclocked it to 2666 with cl10 1t to get extra fps.

Well that's interesting :p So some get remarkable boost from high-speed RAM while some not. Maybe his (apparently) hybrid SSHD disk caused it and having the game on SSD gives the same boost than faster RAM with HDD/SSHD?

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