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avibird 1

Has anyone played around with RUBE function library and got it to work!!!

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I am doing a little spring clean up of my ARMA2 folders trying to get my self a little better organized if I break down and get ARMA3 in next few weeks. So many great mod/scripts I never had any real time to mess around with):

I never could get RUBE function library to load in a mission or editor! This looks like a great idea he had and a lot of work went into. There is not a lot of information/threads on his function library framework. Has anyone really got some of the things the script talks about to work. Avibird

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Rube weather is actually an overlooked masterpiece. It was a bit of trial and error but I eventually got a very nice implementation going in A2. It seems to work in A3, but it really needs a specific mediterranean climate setting. I can post some scripts if you are interested.

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Yes I would be very interested! Did you get the function library to load in the editor. It has a lot of cool things to try what I read. I know the weather is part of the library and has it's only DL as well.

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Here's the script I concocted. It assumes you've got the rube addon loaded. Run it from init.sqf or whatever:

if (isnil "RUBE_fnc_init") then {   [] call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "RUBE\init.sqf")};
waitUntil{!(isnil "RUBE_fnc_init")};

_model = "prague";

switch worldname do 
{ 	// Central Asian Desert Arid 
case "fallujah": {_model = "kandahar"}; 
case "clafghan": {_model = "kandahar"}; 
case "MCN_Aliabad": {_model = "kandahar"}; 
case "reshmaan": {_model = "kandahar"};
case "Takistan": {_model = "kandahar"};
case "Mountains_ACR": {_model = "kandahar"};
case "esbekistan": {_model = "kandahar"};

// Hot
case "wgl_palms": {_model = "kano"}; 
case "dingor": {_model = "kano"}; 
case "tropica": {_model = "kano"}; 
case "isladuala": {_model = "kano"};
case "cmr_cicada": {_model = "kano"};
case "ElephantIsland": {_model = "kano"}; 	
case "IsolaDiCapraia": {_model = "kano"};
case "Katherine": {_model = "kano"};
case "Stratis": {_model = "kano"};
case "Altis": {_model = "kano"};

// Central Asian steppe (eg Kabul)
case "BMFayshkhabur": {_model = "bamiyan"}; 
case "TUP_Qom": {_model = "bamiyan"}; 
case "hellskitchen": {_model = "bamiyan"}; 
case "MCN_HazarKot": {_model = "bamiyan"}; 
case "torabora": {_model = "bamiyan"}; 

//  Tropical
case "tigeria_se": {_model = "arauca"}; 
case "lingor": {_model = "arauca"}; 
case "mak_Jungle": {_model = "arauca"}; 	

//  Arctic
case "namalsk": {_model = "oulu"}; 
case "Thirsk": {_model = "oulu"}; 	

[] execVM "RUBE\modules\weather\init.sqf";
waitUntil{!(isnil "RUBE_weather")};

_model call (RUBE_weather getVariable "set-season-model");
[] call (RUBE_weather getVariable "generate-weather");

RUBE_weather setVariable ["enable-color-filter", false, true];
[] call (RUBE_weather getVariable "start-weather-engine");

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@Tpw have you used his Rube drag N drop Demo. I am having issues with the Construction of items. I can select items and place them down but can't complete the building process. Anyone use this as well.

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@Tpw have you used his Rube drag N drop Demo. I am having issues with the Construction of items. I can select items and place them down but can't complete the building process. Anyone use this as well.

Nah, just the weather sorry

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AVIBIRD 1, I use the script version of Ruebe's library quite a bit. What exactly are you having problems with? Just the buildables?

See this page for buildable info.

Here is ruebe's homepage with info on loading the RUBE Library

Here is RUBE Fire Ants, which you can dissect to see how he designs a mission.

Here is RUBE_convoyTester, which you can also dissect(I would un-pbo and look at scripts)

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@panther thanks for the links. Have you use it since the last Bi update! I just can't get the script to work):. Most of the time I can follow directions to load a mission/script(: I taked to Rubea few days ago and when he gets some time he is going to see if the script has any issues since the last update and make a few example mission for me. Unfortunately may internet will be down for a few more days. I will try your links as soon as. I can.

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