cobra4v320 27 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) The Jackal Sabotage Overview: You have been tasked to disrupt enemy forces in the region by destroying some of their armored vehicles and equipment. Enemy forces have a communications tower located on Kamino base, destroying it will prevent them from contacting QRF located at Stratis Airbase. This is a stealth/lone wolf style mission. It is not for everyone. The mission is not a run and gun mission where you shoot the bad guys, it is all stealth, get in set the charges, get a safe distance away and watch the fireworks, then RTB. Task One: Reach the shore safely while avoiding patrols. Task Two: Destroy all of the armored vehicles in Kamino Base. Task Three (Optional): Destroy the communications tower, this will interrupt enemy communications for a short time while you make your escape. Task Four (Optional): Destroy any ammo and weapons that you find on Kamino Base. Features: Custom Kamino base composition, removed most of the old buildings and added barracks, military wrecks, and other fortifications. QRF countdown clock if you are detected and the communications tower has not been destroyed. Custom weapons menu dialog - since description.ext weapons does not work. Known Issues: The Tao Modular Realism Mod will remove the suppressor on the vermin. Change Log: Version 2.6.0: ID numbers were updated on the map so I had to make some changes to the compositions. Changed: You can now pick what weapons you want from the mission briefing. A very limited number. Changed: The pistol was changed to the 4-five. Changed: Intro soundtrack Changed: Back to the default dive suit and rebreather. People were naked due to BI uniform name change. Fixed: The flares were not firing, error in description.ext functions. Fixed: The flares were firing far out, made them fire closer into the compound. Version 2.5.0: Since the latest game update all of the map IDs were changed. Mission tested and I could not find any errors. Changed: removed the dialog for weapon and optic selection. Changed: the loadout and weapons Added: some of the old scripts are now functions. Version 2.4.0: Changed: Moved the flag to a more suitable location also re-added some of the old map objects I deleted before since vehicle path finding has been improved. Added: Added a boat sound to the boat during the "skip the swim" option. Fixed: File size is now 3MB instead of 6MB. Changed: Its now a full moon and clear skies making the mission a little brighter. You no longer need to use NVGs. Changed: Made some changes to the FSM. Fixed: The tower task no longer uses a trigger for completion, its now run by the FSM. Added: Markers now cover the minefield to the north. Changed: Moved the QRF from Rogain to the destroyed village to the north. Fixed: The Insertion/Extraction Marker will say insertion point during mission brief/start, once you hit the shore it switches to extraction point. Version 2.3.0: Added: A slider to the SMG Weapons Menu so you can select whatever optics you want. Added: A preview picture of the weapon to the menu. Added: Custom sounds to the SMG Weapons Menu Version 2.2.0: Fixed: After revert/load the lights would remain on rather than off. The setHit command will not work after revert/load, switched to setDamage 0.95 instead. Changed: Mission tasks are all started at mission start so the player doesn't get 7 task hints any more when reaching the shore. Changed: Changed Intro music and added music fade if skip the swim option is used. Version 2.1.0: Added: Now when the alarm is triggered the lights around the base come on. Changed: Changed some of the wrecks to military vehicles. Version 2.0: Fixed: The assault rucksack wasn't large enough to properly carry 6 democharges, switched to the field rucksack everything fits now. Added: A custom weapons menu dialog to choose between the PDW, Vermin, and Sting. Fixed: The overview text was not showing up under scenarios. Changed: The two recon team members are now assault divers to better fit the scenario. Fixed: The extraction marker now moves to wherever the assault boat is located. Changed: More minor tweeks to the mission tasks and briefing. Version 1.2.0: Added: Static .50 cal gunners in guard towers. Added: More objects and fortifications in compositions. Changed: Markers and renamed most of them. Changed: Small tweeks to the mission brief. Changed: Mission Tasks and the FSM have been tweeked. Added: Music to ending if you kill your teammates. Added: One additional SMG magazine for 10 total. Changed: Title and description in description.ext Changed: Overview and Intro picture. Added: An option to skip the swim, if you do not want to swim from Pythos to Kamino Base you can now go to the boat and use the addaction. Changed: Removed depth and bearing gauge. Version 1.1.0: Added: Simple bearing and depth gauge in the bottom of the screen Fixed: Fog not as thick, you can now see when you swim. Fixed: Removed the burning trash near the tower, the light is too bright on the other side of the wall. Version 1.0: Initial Release Download: Armaholic Steam Workshop Mediafire Edited February 12, 2014 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 12 Posted September 4, 2013 Hey man, just downloaded and made it to shore. Your Brief says the Vermin has SD but in fact, the sound suppressor is not in the bag and is seriously needed. Maybe a throw in a bit more ammo? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 4, 2013 SD is installed already when I play, it is using the same suppressor as the 1911. You are using DEV branch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 12 Posted September 4, 2013 Yes Dev branch and I swear, I cannot find it in the bag or his dive suit. The 1911 has one. The rubber raft at start is completely locked, so I cannot access it, if you stored it there. Maybe ask another player if they have same situation as me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) The vermin should have it installed already from the start. Worst case pull the 1911 silencer and install it. Look at all the photos on the steam workshop it is installed. Can anyone else confirm this issue? Edited September 5, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HKFlash 9 Posted September 4, 2013 You do start with a supressor installed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 12 Posted September 5, 2013 Using FSF Arma 3 launcher, I've got a DEFAULT set up for missions that do not require mods. I turned them all OFF and BINGO, you're SD was there. Now I have to go back in and find out which mod was giving me the problem. Thanks! ---------- Post added at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ---------- @cobra OK, I found it. It's TMR Tao Modular Realism For some reason, it's deleting the SD from the inventory. Could you try to load that mod and try it out yourself for confirmation? If you get same results, I'll send a message to the MOD thread itself. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 5, 2013 (edited) It says on the TMR description: Realistic Suppressors Suppressors do not reduce damage or muzzle velocity. Suppressors have specific threading and cannot screw on to weapons just because they share a caliber. Suppressors very slightly increase the cyclic rate of weapons due to increased back-pressure. With that being said they must have removed the option to screw a .45 1911 suppressor onto a Vermin. It does depend on the thread pitch or mount as to whether or not the suppressor will work with it. However, I believe the author of the mod is incorrect because there are thread adapters out there to allow this to happen. Edited September 5, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 12 Posted September 5, 2013 (edited) OK got it. Well, at least we got through that one :bounce3: Sorry, perhaps one other thing? A ChemLight for Jackal? The Dive to the island is REAL dark. Edited September 6, 2013 by Kommiekat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 6, 2013 (edited) What do you mean, like attached to him while he swims? I was thinking a depth gauge, I do agree though its pretty dark, then again the ocean at night would be dark. :p So I did some testing with chemlights and they do not light up the area underwater, maybe its a bug? Also no IR chemlights that I could find, so this would be a bad idea approaching the shore. If IR chemlights are available and can light up an area around the diver I can add it. I can then add a button to delete the chemlight when getting close to shore. Edited September 6, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 7, 2013 (edited) UPDATE 9/7/2013 Version 1.1.0: Added: Simple bearing and depth gauge in the bottom of the screen Fixed: Fog not as thick, you can now see when you swim. Fixed: Removed the burning trash near the tower, the light is too bright on the other side of the wall. Edited September 14, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 13, 2013 (edited) UPDATE 9/13/2013 Version 1.2.0: Added: Static .50 cal gunners in guard towers. Added: More objects and fortifications in compositions. Changed: Markers and renamed most of them. Changed: Small tweeks to the mission brief. Changed: Mission Tasks and the FSM have been tweeked. Added: Music to ending if you kill your teammates. Added: One additional SMG magazine for 10 total. Changed: Title and description in description.ext Changed: Overview and Intro picture. Added: An option to skip the swim, if you do not want to swim from Pythos to Kamino Base you can now go to the boat and use the addaction. Edited September 14, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 14, 2013 (edited) UPDATED 9/14/2013 Version 2.0: Fixed: The assault rucksack wasn't large enough to properly carry 6 democharges, switched to the field rucksack everything fits now. Added: A custom weapons menu dialog to choose between the PDW, Vermin, and Sting. Fixed: The overview text was not showing up under scenarios. Changed: The two recon team members are now assault divers to better fit the scenario. Fixed: The extraction marker now moves to wherever the assault boat is located. Changed: More minor tweeks to the mission tasks and briefing. Version 2.1: Added: Now when the alarm is triggered the lights around the base come on. Changed: Changed some of the wrecks to military vehicles. Edited September 15, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eymerich 11 Posted September 15, 2013 Enjoyed the mission! thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 15, 2013 Enjoyed the mission!thanks Glad you liked it. Unless there are any issues with the mission I dont think I will be updating any further. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 16, 2013 UPDATE 9/16/2013 Version 2.2.0 Fixed: After revert/load the lights would remain on rather than off. The setHit command will not work after revert/load, switched to setDamage 0.95 instead. Changed: Mission tasks are all started at mission start so the player doesn't get 7 task hints any more when reaching the shore. Changed: Changed Intro music and added music fade if skip the swim option is used. WIP: Adding a slider to the SMG Weapons Menu so you can select your own optics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 17, 2013 (edited) Update 9/17/2013 Version 2.3.0 Added: A slider to the SMG Weapons Menu so you can select whatever optics you want. Added: Custom sounds to the SMG Weapons Menu Added: A preview picture for the selected weapons. I learned a lot from creating this mission especially dialogs. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the mission, I'm going to be starting on the next Jackal mission, possibly an assassination mission or maybe sniping guards and calling in missile strikes, parachuting in behind enemy lines to collect intel... Edited September 17, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
runforrest 10 Posted September 17, 2013 Excellent mission, the best i played so far. What i would love though would be if the night would be a bit brighter so we can play without nightvision (if possible=guards still limited in their view), maybe give the player the option to choose between different darkness levels? (the screenshot in ur post above looks like a good brightness setting - in my game thats alot darker). Oh and ur new missionidea sound awsome too, looking forward to it :) P.S. oh and thanks for releasing not only on workshop, good thing to be independent as possible Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 17, 2013 Yes the screenshot above I actually made brighter. What Im afraid of is making it too light allowing the guards to easily see you, this is the reason why I had to cut off all the lights on Kamino. I will look into it later tonight. Thanks for the feedback! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
runforrest 10 Posted September 18, 2013 If u cant do it the "normal" way (change date,daytime,overcast) maybe u can use colour corrections. It seems to work the same way as in ArmA2 (just did a quick test). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 19, 2013 (edited) UPDATE 9/19/2013 DEV Branch Only: Looks like map object ID numbers were changed AGAIN, my mission is currently all kinds of jacked up. The fencing has no fence only poles. Do not use DEV branch with this mission. Edited September 20, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted September 20, 2013 UPDATE 9/19/2013 Version 2.4.0 Changed: Moved the flag to a more suitable location also re-added some of the old map objects I deleted before since vehicle path finding has been improved. Added: Added a boat sound to the boat during the "skip the swim" option. Fixed: File size is now 3MB instead of 6MB. Changed: Its now a full moon and clear skies making the mission a little brighter. You no longer need to use NVGs. Changed: Made some changes to the FSM. Fixed: The tower task no longer uses a trigger for completion, its now run by the FSM. Added: Markers now cover the minefield to the north. Changed: Moved the QRF from Rogain to the destroyed village to the north. Fixed: The Insertion/Extraction Marker will say insertion point during mission brief/start, once you hit the shore it switches to extraction point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mathias_eichinger 64 Posted January 14, 2014 Just tried this mission, and unlike what is said in the briefing, there is no weapons selection, a.k.a "SMG of my choice". I was expecting the boat containing all the stuff via the VAS script, but it was not to be. Plus, I started the mission in my underwear and not in a diving suit. Enemy resistance is impossible to beat for me. The place is crawling with patrols and thanks to BIS goddamm idea of hyper-armoring the Iranians there is no way I can kill them with a silenced SMG before the are turning on me to kill me, and their numbers make it impossible to sneak from corner to corner and take them on one by one. I think with the right powerful rifle I could stand a chance, but not with what is available right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted February 12, 2014 Thanks for the feedback, the mission has been updated. Version 2.6: Since the map IDs were changed once more it messed up all of the compositions placing my barracks into other buildings. Fixed: You can now select from 3 different types of SMGs in the briefing screen. You start out with the sting, but can select the PDW or the Vermin as your other options. Changed: Back to the default dive suit and rebreather. Changed: The pistol to the 4-five with 1 magazine. You can select more magazines from the briefing screen. Changed: The intro music has been changed. Fixed: Had an error in description.ext functions messing up the flares if you were detected. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 12 Posted February 12, 2014 Still OK in DEV branch mode? Thanks for the feedback, the mission has been updated.Version 2.6: Since the map IDs were changed once more it messed up all of the compositions placing my barracks into other buildings. Fixed: You can now select from 3 different types of SMGs in the briefing screen. You start out with the sting, but can select the PDW or the Vermin as your other options. Changed: Back to the default dive suit and rebreather. Changed: The pistol to the 4-five with 1 magazine. You can select more magazines from the briefing screen. Changed: The intro music has been changed. Fixed: Had an error in description.ext functions messing up the flares if you were detected. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites