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Question to the Devs: re Bulletproof Vests and Penetration modelling?

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The game now models more thorough and advanced penetration for vehicles and for buildings. Combat vests with bulletproof plates right now apparently only modify the damage value of an impact over the entire model.

My question is as follows:

Why not give all vests that possess bulletproof plates their fire geometry -only- in those places where they are definitively not made of fabric? That means, only mag pouches, very solid buckles, soft inlays and plates should be part of the fire geometry, and have the appropriate materials applied to them. When shot, according to the firing persons weapon, different materials will be penetrated as calculated by the existing penetration model, and damage accordingly applied. That way, also, only parts actually protected by bodyarmor will be protected.

Then, damage done to exposed limbs should be reduced, and damage to parts usually protected by vests increased. Hits in unprotected areas center mass should drop the target 9 out of 10 times.

I have provided two example pictures below. Red is rifle grade plates, blue is soft inlays and green is filled magpouches and other materials of similar grade of protection.



Note, I am not a modder, I do not understand entirely how these systems work, so I may be off the mark entirely. Can we get a reply on this, possibly?

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That's a great idea actually if you ask me, I kinda missed actually working plate carriers in the previous ArmA games. Also I believe that VBS2 possesses actual bullet proof vests, im not entirely sure of that however.

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I believe it IS doable.

Probably a custom-made *invisible-equip-able to player- model(maybe classed as underwear) with different sub-objects as "named selections".

Each selection (in fire geometry lod) would be equal to a different RVMAT regarding penetration values.




The actual in-game unit models looks kinda...."stuffed" :)

Probably to give the 'visual' impression they already wearing proper protection gear

Edited by GiorgyGR

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That would be awesome. And if they do it with the vehicles, it should be also allowed to use it in infantry, though I don't know how it would affect the performance.

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