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Battlefield 1942

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Have anyone heard of battlefield 1942? a kickass World War II game, you can control any vehicles on the field (dive bombers, fighters , aircraft carrier, destroyer, jeeps and ofcourse tanks)

Published by EA the SP Demo is out the MP demo is coming today (friday)

link, http://www.ea.com/eagames....ate=111

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Hmmm. Have you actually played it yet?

Quake in tanks...... The weapons are a joke, and the vehicle classes are quite worrying.

I'll stick to OFP or WWII Online.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ Aug. 16 2002,01:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmmm. Have you actually played it yet?

Quake in tanks...... The weapons are a joke, and the vehicle classes are quite worrying.

I'll stick to OFP or WWII Online.<span id='postcolor'>

Yes i played the SP Demo and i already think its better then OFP

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Madness! Utter madness!

Have you fired a tanks main gun? The round drops at ranges over 5 metres! You have to elevate the gun like a artillery piece.

The reason it has so many vehicles is that they are all the bloody same! No individual physics, just a different model with a bit more armour.

I understand that its just a no-brainer, simple WWII game, but I heard so much hype, and felt pretty disapointed when I actually played it.

Plus their forums members anger me. 'More realistic than OFP' It makes you wonder why they let these specimens get past child birth! Grrrr!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (STS_SolidSnake @ Aug. 16 2002,01:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ Aug. 16 2002,01:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmmm. Have you actually played it yet?

Quake in tanks...... The weapons are a joke, and the vehicle classes are quite worrying.

I'll stick to OFP or WWII Online.<span id='postcolor'>

Yes i played the SP Demo and i already think its better then OFP<span id='postcolor'>

Two Words:  Rocket Jump.

I've seen it done in videos, and the person survived!  Any game where you can do this is nothing but a run and gun fragfest.

Lets add:

Health meter. smile.gif

It's a better game than OFP if you are looking for a Quake style game.  But that's about the nly area it beats OFP on.

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Another good thing: At least it aint a Quake Engine like MOHAA or JK 2

I hope it will have a mission editor as easy as the ofp one and it will blow ofp to heaven

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I dunno about you guys but personally im getting tired of seeing all these WWII games. I mean some are good and some are bad. But theres just alot out.

BattleField 1942 could be okay but its IMO a OFP wannabe. confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (STS_SolidSnake @ Aug. 16 2002,02:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Another good thing: At least it aint a Quake Engine like MOHAA or JK 2

I hope it will have a mission editor as easy as the ofp one and it will blow ofp to heaven<span id='postcolor'>

Never happen.

And for anyone who likes run and gun shooters to have a dislike for the Quake engine...shake your head! Virtually every succesful FPS in the fragfest category has been built on top of an iD engine.

I see BF1942 being a nice flash in the pan like other EA sponsored games like.. say... C&C: Renegade. biggrin.gif Once people play it and realize it's nothing more than Quake Light in a WW II skin, the serious ones will go back to games like OFP, and the fragmeisters will go back to Q3 titles, or the new UT engine stuff.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (STS_SolidSnake @ Aug. 16 2002,02:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Another good thing: At least it aint a Quake Engine like MOHAA or JK 2

I hope it will have a mission editor as easy as the ofp one and it will blow ofp to heaven<span id='postcolor'>

simple..put 1000 mines all on top of each other, drive a tank over it. KABOOM! biggrin.gif

but i seriously doubt about this game being better than OFP. graphics are so rudimentary(smoke for being the best example) and too many compromises in realism to challenge OFP.

it's not a quake engine, but it still ain't good enough to challege OFP.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Aug. 16 2002,02:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow.gif4--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (STS_SolidSnake @ Aug. 16 2002,02wow.gif4)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Another good thing: At least it aint a Quake Engine like MOHAA or JK 2

I hope it will have a mission editor as easy as the ofp one and it will blow ofp to heaven<span id='postcolor'>

simple..put 1000 mines all on top of each other, drive a tank over it. KABOOM!  biggrin.gif

but i seriously doubt about this game being better than OFP. graphics are so rudimentary(smoke for being the best example) and too many compromises in realism to challenge OFP.

it's not a quake engine, but it still ain't good enough to challege OFP.<span id='postcolor'>

OFP Graphics arent the top of the notch .... confused.gif

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Okay, obviously you werent around when I gave this game an official certificate of gayness. Now Im going to have to list all the bullshit thats wrong with it AGAIN.

1. Damage model. Its not area specific. One sniper shot to the foot and youre pushing up daisies.

2. Weapons. THE BRITISH ARMY USES A BAR IN THE GAME. A BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Nuff said.

3. The incredibly stupid modelling of Tank and artillery rounds. They look like the projectiles from Worms, and they act about the same. I was actually embarassed for the game makers and the gaming press that said this game was awesome when I saw this abortion of a feature.

4. The incredible lack of any realism whatsoever in tanks. A Sherman is a Tiger is a PzIV. Its bullshit! This and number 3 are what really kill this game for me. Also, this incredible disregard for realism does not bode well for the air portion of the game. I can see it now... Wildcats outturning Zeros, Zeroes taking tons of punishment... bullshit.

5. The graphics. I saw 5 trees. 5 TREES. And no bushes. Whats a grunt to do? Get in one of the gay-ass tanks? Fuck that. What else can he do? Why, what grunts have done for ages- grab a sniper rifle and park his campin ass up on a hill half a mile away and make life hell for all the grunts actually trying to complete the objectives.

This game is a friggin travesty. To mention it in a sentence with OFP, even to say that OFP is better than BF1942, is heresy. OFP is lightyears beyond BF1942. In fact, BF1942 is kind of stretching it to even be called a WW2 game. Its more like a RTCW-type WW2 game ( AHH, lets see here. We wanna make a game where we can say its historical, and people can shoot Nazis, but History is soooooooooo boring. No rocket jumps, Rambos, BFGs or anything. Lets just change it around a bit and call it realistic...)

This game is GAY, and will never see a PENNY of my money. If EA wants to make games like this and MOHAA, fuck 'em.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ Aug. 16 2002,01:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">or WWII Online.<span id='postcolor'>

OMG. WWII oonline sucks so much. biggrin.giftounge.gifwow.gif

Anyways. Battlefield 1942 is just another unrealistic rambo FPS: tounge.gif

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You know, for a while, I kind of liked WW2OL. But it was too laggy, and people were always exploiting game bugs or doing stupid shit like not working together. Being a simmer I never really cared about the graphics too much, but the RAM requirements were ridiculous. It least it made an attempt to be realistic

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now Tex, calm down smile.gif

Solid Snake:

it's unfortunate that OFP graphics don't give stellar performance when compared to other engines. but considering the fact that OFP engine covers much wider area, while as other engines are limited shows that OFP engine is better.

that smoke example is what got me confused in SP demo. i later realized that it was a smoke. Duke Nukem-ish stuff. that indicates that the engine uses resource-cutting measures to live upto its performance, meaning no dynamic smoke like OFP.

more over, if anything else, UT engine would do better job IMO.

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Repeat after me:

From now on I will use the search function.

This is a dupe thread and the topic has already been beaten to death.

Closing smile.gif

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