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arma 3 ever be able to have its own application for 64bit users?

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i feel that we need a lot more ram usage... 2gb is simply not enough for altis.

ive got 16gb and i want to use it... i want my moneys worth

ive heard that currently arma 3 is running on a 32bit application.

and was wondering will there ever be an optional 64bit one?

obviously for people with 64bit.

run program as 64bit.

mem limited to 2047?

what the feck

Edited by tyl3r99

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Oh look, it's this thread again.

This is not true. You can compute with 64b real numbers ("doubles") in 32b without any issues. With some limitations you can even compute with 64b integers - this is easier and somewhat faster in 64b, but this is something which has extremely limited use.

Moreover, all games perform most (or all) of their computation in 32b real numbers (float), because it is a lot faster and the precision is enough for the purpose.

Summed up: the benefits on native 64b are extremely small for a game. (With content creation tools the situation is different - 64b is useful here, because you frequently work with data larger than 4 GB).

Edit: moreover, there are downsides to 64b native: all your pointers are double in size, which usualy means memory consumption grows about 10-40 percent depending on how many pointers are stored by the application. Larger memory footprint also means reduced cache efficiency.


It was true in ArmA 2 and it is still true in ArmA 3.

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