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Putting parts of a mission server side to stop mission theft

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Hey guys I have a question for everyone. I have a mission and want to put parts of my mission server side (sqfs or the like) to stop people from stealing the mission to run it on there own. I just have absolutely no idea how I would do so. Even after searching the internet for a few hours I cannot find anything on this.

I am not sure how I would approach this really, whether clients get another version of a server side sqf that is meaningless, or they don't show up in the mission at all. That would make it unrunnable which would obviously stop the stealing of the mission. I would love some help with this and any suggestion/solution would be great.

Thank you guys!

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@ pballer 29 no disrespect stop with this bull.

First if you don't want others to have YOUR MISSION then don't play it on

1. Dedicated server which will allow other players to download the PBO form and have the mission.

2. Don't play on an open server

3. Don't play with people you don' t know

4. ect

I am so glad that Bohemia does not feel like you or the great modders/scripters of this community. Where would this community and game be if that was the case! What makes this game and community so great is the ability to play ANY mission the way YOU want to play as well as the Generosity of the community members that share all the great missions,scripts and mod's with us.

Yes, If somebody claimed to make a script\mod that was not their own that is pretty crappy but there is really nothing you can do. Yes the community forums and web sites will not acknowledge or give credit to that person. Bohemia or anyone else in that matter can't stop that person from playing that mission which they clam is there own work. Anyone who joins that Dedicated server will now have that mission with any other information that goes with the mission.

What are you really talking about!

Did someone take your scripts and say it was there own?

Did someone take a base template and said it was there setup?

Did someone take your storyline of a mission?

I can almost guarantee that what ever you are upset about that you think someone took from your MISSION was already in someone else's work from the community ie base setup/scripts or something that someone else already had way before you and your mission. ARMA2 has been around for a while and unfortunately almost at it's end with ARMA3 almost out. New ARMA2 content will be very limited as well as the players who play.

Sorry for the rant but this is one of my pet peeves and I have had this conversation with new members before who do not understand what the ARMA community is all about. Like I tell my kids share is caring

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Impossible short of setting up a serverside only mod that has the required files in it, but those files would only be able to run on the server.

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Well you could set all of your scripts serverside and exchange data using PVEH's and remote execution, heck, you could even dump all the code you want on the clients using a simple PVEH which simply evaluates the strings it receives (call compile).

But that would end up being a serious performance killer, so no sane person would ever consider this drastic step :D

This is the same problem you have with JavaScript-Code - it's easily accessible in every site you visit and you can't do anything from getting copied/robbed of your own created code.

I found out the best way of stopping code theft is to outsource the crucial parts of your mission to the server - like database-access.

If you have a mission with a database-link, you're naturally gonna store the code to access the database on the server, so the client doesn't get to know the structure of your database tables or other informations which could help to reverse-engineer this part of your mission - et voilá, even if your mission get's copied without giving any credits, it will be a pain in the ass to reconstruct the missing parts to make the mission work, and if they finally manage to reconstruct these parts, you'll have to admit that the work they put into that should be enough to legitimate AVIBIRD 1 rant from above :)

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