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Any chance of clouds casting shadows ?

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it would be much more immersive if clouds cast shadows.

Technically is feels similar to mountains casting big shadows on landscape and it is implemented already.

and it is already done in another old games,

ex. Condor Simulator

see at 0:50



and seems not very demanding in perfomance terms.

Developers, could you please respond ?

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they do cast shadows i thought or did at least. Shadows is a performance hit, crank your shadows up full and test.

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Shadows for individual clouds do not exist in ArmA3 - However there is an overall darkening of the entire map when it gets cloudy.

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When first playing the alpha I thought I saw large cloud shadows moving across the map, i was obviously mistaken, me thinking of it being a cloud shadow gave the map some life and felt very immersive, I think it would be a great effect to have available, I don't even think it needs to be dynamic/realism.. Just have large shadows moving across the ground, shape size and speed could all depend on weather.. So you could have the fast moving type, or the large slow moving style of shadow, it might be a great immersive addition for not too much investment?

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Shadows for individual clouds do not exist in ArmA3 - However there is an overall darkening of the entire map when it gets cloudy.

That's right, sun intensity is altered by the overcast setting, no cloud shadows at the moment.

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