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Oxygen 2 : Ai path lod ? how to do them ?

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I need some lights about Ai path lod, for building mainly.

I did not found if it needs to be done into a 3D software then imported into O2 ? Or directly done into O2...

I saw BIwatertower.p3d example, in this, Path lod is a simple mesh, but some pos1, pos2, pos3 are set ion vertice... But now idea how to do it.

Someone has further info about path lod creation ?

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You need to create two new LOD:

-Path (for AI to understand where they can walk)

-Roadway (where everyone, AI and players, can walk). This LOD must not overlap with the geometry LOD (in order to not be blocked by the geometry of the building)

To make them, you can for instance destroy every pieces of your LOD 1.00 that are not walkable (leaving just the ground).

I made some tests the other day just to see how it works but I didn't make any buildings yet, so take what I say with circumspection!

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The path lod is effectively a simple mesh made of planes (which you easily create in Oxygen), connected to each others and with some named selections indicating :

  • the AI positions inside the building (pos1, pos2 etc.) which you can use in the editor positioning a MOVE WP on the building, or through scripts with buildingpos)
  • vertices where you can enter / exit the building (in1, in2 etc.).

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Do you know how to avoid AI going throught walls ? could be very annoying to see an unit cross a wall and fall from 8 meters XD

Right now, i have 4 entry point and about 10 position, is it too much ?

Sometimes, my units manage to walk from ground to the roof, but its very rare, most of the time, they just walk 2 floor and goes throught the wall... then die.

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Already have thos lods, roadway not overlaping with geometry. Everything is right for the player, walls block players, bullets, explosions, etc... but not AI. They just ran into wall...

This only happen when they have to move a small area, like stairs. And they are everytime entering the building by the same "in", even with 4 different entry point.

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Yep, AI sometimes have problem with geo lod. About several entry points, i'm quite sure it is possible but i dunno why AI isn't using yours TBH. What the wiki says is :

Paths : Important LOD for AI path finding. AI can find its way through objects (such as buildings) Specific named selections are based on class definition.

One building can have more entrance points, but all doors must be connected together with path.

Every point where AI could stop, must be defined by named selection with ascending number according to the pathway. All path vertices's must be connected by polygons

I can't say buildings are very well documented, even in OFP. All i know was from guesswork, as usual...

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I've read that by default, is there isnt view geo, Ai will use geo lod instead, i'll try this tho

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Can this be applied to ships aswell, or only buildings?

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Ai ignore the geo lod when on a pathway. Best to make sure to place your pathways around objects and walls. Otherwise the ai will walk right through them

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Would it be possible to create  "modular" pathway LODs (only), as example a straight line, a posXX and inXX as single objects?

Thinking about it I guess the AI will be having issues with finding from one to another...

Also, if the first one would be working, is there any way of adding a visual LOD which is only visible in 3D Editor, maybe even Zeus?

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