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A problem with the video drivers

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I bought the steam version of Arma 3 Beta. When you start the game was a black screen. Nothing happened. The process of the game hung in the task Manager.

I decided to reinstall the video driver for newer. After I did that, when you start the game, it (the game) crashes to the desktop and an error ( Video driver stopped responding and has successfully recovered ).

In the end, the game does not start. Many times tried to reinstall the video driver, but nothing helped.

The video card is not heated. It is not dispersed. What is the problem?

Please help :) Hurt. I bought the game, and it does not start. :(

Sorry for the many errors in the text. I write with the help of Google translator. The English language does not know. :)

P.S. Sorry if this question has already been raised. Find the answer to the strange language, difficult)

Video cards: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5800 series

Video drivers: Catalyst 13.4 Mobility

Edited by Exzodox

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Try starting it windowed, when I start it fullscreen it goes blackscreen and I can't even open task manager, but starting it windowed works fine.

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Try adding -nobenchmark to the startup parameters. Its been found to help people with integrated/mobile graphics chips.

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I sometimes have the "driver recovered thing" What helps is do the no benchmark thing and launch in a window rather than fullscreen. When game loads no nothing for a few minutes then try and start the editor or showcase or whatever....

Good luck

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