LtShadow 41 Posted August 14, 2013 Hello community! This has never been done before, a implemented SonicBoom script for any aircraft! With help from ZooLoo (even though I never used any of his code, he helped me a lot! Thanks man.) Please follow these instructions to implement this system into your aircraft: Sonic Boom script by Tyler Bolhuis (tbo100) Use this for non-shareware (freeware) aircraft only! Please credit! Thank you! //1.) In the planes config, under Extended Event Handlers, there is always a plane_init or init.sqf, in here is where all the scripts are called for. //2.) Goto this init file (for the FA18 it is init.sqf) ) copy a line from it, should look like this _nul = [_plane] execVM "\f18c\scripts\fbfx.sqf"; //3.) Rename the last bit, the fbfx.sqf to whatever the file is. 4.) go into the fbfx.sqf and copy/paste the following : _veh = (_this select 0); //Private ["_script2[]"]; _script2 = []; if (alive player) then { _script2 set [0, _veh execVM "\f18c\scripts\sonicboom.sqf"]; }; //5.) Create another script named; sonicboom.sqf place this where all the rest of the scripts are. //6.) Edit the coding of the sonicboom script and paste the following private "_boom"; _boom = false; while {alive _this} do { _sleeptime = 10; while {!_boom} do { sleep 2; _speed = speed _this; if (_speed >= 760) exitWith { playsound "bBoom"; _boom = true; }; }; sleep _sleeptime; _boom = false; }; //7.) Now, you need to create a class which configures the sound file 'bBoom'. To do this, go to the config.cpp located in the main directory of the aircraft. Right click, and click Edit. //8.) Go to the beginning of the aircraft's .cpp (after all the init lines, like this; #define _ARMA_) and paste this: class CfgSounds { class bBoom { name = "bBoom"; sound[] = {"\mig29\snd\tornado_gr4boom.wss", db+30, 1.0}; //Replace the mig29 and snd with the sound dir titles[] = {}; }; }; NOTE: IF ONE AIRCRAFT ALREADY HAS THIS IN THEIR CONFIG FILE. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SET UP THIS CLASS! (Say if you already have the Mig29@RS which includes the SonicBoom, you do not need to code this bit into another aircraft) It will not work if you do not have this bit of code in the game, at least once! :) //9.) Last Step (kinda)! All you need to do now is copy the sonic boom sample to the aircraft sound directory! //10.) Don't forget to pack the aircraft, and move it into your addon directory! Sonic Boom sample: Click Me! Have Fun! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted August 14, 2013 Congrats on releasing this. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zooloo75 834 Posted August 14, 2013 (edited) Congrats on the release! :) This has never been done before I made a sonic boom script for an OA server about a year ago :P You should re-type that as "This has never been released before!" xD I recreated the shockwave-white bursts you see in sonic boom videos too - I'd give you the code for the particle effects but they probably won't work in A3 due to the changes in the textures and possible PhysX implementations. You could also put this effect on every object if you wanted too since anything can break the sound barrier if it reached the right conditions. I put my sonic boom on a tank before and did some setVelocity magic, causing the tank to break the sound barrier and create some hilarious scenes on a server :P Edited August 14, 2013 by zooloo75 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 15, 2013 That's freaking fantastic! Wouldn't be 1223km/h though? (not 760mph) AND where did you get those AWESOME Jets in Arma3? LOVE IT!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigpickle 0 Posted September 26, 2014 I get error position: Error in expression < (alive player) then { _script2 set [0, _veh execVM "\speedofsound_pure_A143\scr> Error position: <_veh execVM "\speedofsound_pure_A143\scr> Error Undefined variable in expression: _veh File speedofsound_pure_A143\scripts\init.sqf, line 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3550 Posted September 27, 2014 Wouldn't be 1223km/h though? (not 760mph) That's correct, in game speed values are measured in km/h. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites