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Collectable items like suitcases or documents

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Hello modders, scripter and mission builders,

I read about 50 forum sites yesterday and a lot of posts, but the answer for my question was not found or did not work for me. If I missed the correct post so please excuse me and feel free to move my posting.

At the moment I'm working on a four player coop mission, a big part of it should be collecting informations and secure them.

An this is my problem. I can place a suitcase on the ground, but there's no interaction possible. I tried to use scripts I found here in the forums, but maybe I'm not that smart as I thought or they do not work with the current beta state of ArmA III (could this be possible?)

I want to spawn it in a house or a vehicle and let the players pick them up and put in their inventory. This should be a task I need to let the game check if a player have the suitcase (or documents) in his inventory so the task can be completed.

I hope someone can help me, no, I'm sure someone can help me and this is possible:)

Thank you for reading this and for your help!

Greetings from Germany,


Edited by Bastirip

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Hi Bastirip - welcome to the forums,

I found this - which I recall reading with interest a while back

it might give you a bit of a start

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Hi KevsnoTrev,

found that too, but did not work for me. Or i do something wrong.

But thanks anyway!

Any other Ideas?

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There currently is no "non-combat" items in beta for inventory use. I'm really hoping that the final game has some but since they are usually used in campaigns there might not be.

There are some player mods which add items but that requires an addon.

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@kylania: tried a Addon, @ARP2, many many intems :) but i can´t pick them up either :)

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@kylania: Scorch's Inventory Items mod THIS IS IT!!

Many many thanks!

2 Problems solved today, thank you guys!


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Try the Scorch Addon.

Stay away from the Charms...

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